Ana Candioti Ana Candioti

Ana Candioti

Origin of my work, visualize it...

Origin of my work, visualize it......

Long, long ago, a group that inhabited the Siberian peninsula were traveling to be free from the old world. They wanted to reach the land of the gods, the famous sky, and so guided by them, they crossed the Bering Strait and became the first inhabitants of the American continent (where there were never humans). Nature welcomed them with all the abundance of nutrients that were here. With the passage of time they forgot the past from which they fled, they created legends and fables to remember what seemed important to them, and thus the native tribes were formed. From north to south, from Alaska to Ushuaia, Soiux, Delaware, Mohawk, Navajo, Apache, Mexica, Toltec, Maya, Xinca, Quichua, Aymara, Chané, Charrúa, Mapuche, Mbyá Guarani, Mocoví, Ocloya, Tehuelche, Tilián, Qom, Onas, they settled down, spiritually merging with the earth and the sky. Revealing this origin and the magical connection they had with nature, even if it is just a nice enchantment, it is what motivated my research into ethnicities., traveling from south to north of the continent, portraying them. Later my interest arose to discover more about the origins of humanity, to get to the root of everyone. And so I traveled to other corners of the world, always with my pencils, brushes and sketchbook... my work is my legacy, for you.

By Ana Candioti

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See values: click here if you would like to see the List without the prices, or individually where it says «link» in each one. Download them: clicking on the «icon» next to the titles. Listen: their descriptions clicking the «icon» found at the beginning of each one.

Total of 473 works: $ 5,796,100 USD (the values ​​are approximate, they may be more or less depending on the situation of the art market, if you are interested in acquiring works, please contact us).


0) Ann

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on cardboard, 80 × 56 cm (31.50 × 22.05 in), 1998 | link | link $

$ 13,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on cardboard, 80 × 56 cm (31.50 × 22.05 in), 1998...

$ 13000 USD...

Of my self-portraits, especially this one, it was made to be able to show the image of my face outside of photography, with all my character, especially the intense gaze. And then, based on the opinion of my followers and dealers, I use their image as an icon of myself.


1) Fatima

Series: «Children», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 150 cm (39.37 × 59.06 in), 2023 | link | link $

$ 16,000 USD.


Series: «Children», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 150 cm (39.37 × 59.06 in), 2023...

$ 16000 USD...

I found this girl at the door of a school in Buenos Aires, I asked her if I could photograph her and I explained the reason. It caught my attention that, even outside her country, she maintained the traditions of her hometown, covering her head and hair with the hijab, as a manifestation of chastity.


2) The Mariano

Series: «Farmers», Tempera on paper, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 1985 | link | link $

$ 17,000 USD.

The Mariano...

Series: «Farmers», Tempera on paper, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 1985...

$ 17000 USD...

"El Mariano", as he was called in his homeland, a peasant and farmer from Purmamarca (province of Jujuy, Argentina), was and is a natural singer, with a privileged, intense and heartfelt voice, which is why every year, from 1983 until today, during the first weekend of January, the Selva Vilte organizes the Purmamarca Copleros meetings and Mariano participates with his privileged and expressive voice when singing his verses that reach the heart, in the copleros circles as we can see in the work. Counterpoints are made, they go around in the wheel, with the verses they tell their lives, their sorrows, their joys, their loves, their feelings.


3) Emiliano

Series: «Portraits», Oil on canvas, 160 × 160 cm (62.99 × 62.99 in), 2023 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Oil on canvas, 160 × 160 cm (62.99 × 62.99 in), 2023...

$ 18000 USD...

Portraying Emi, my son, is like giving birth to him again, his crystalline, sensitive, frontal and deep gaze imbues me with his spirit. It is easy to make a portrait when your soul inhabits our bowels.


4) Maternities (triptych)

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on amate paper, 200 × 360 cm (78.74 × 141.73 in), 2022 | link | link $

$ 30,000 USD.

Maternities (triptych)...

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on amate paper, 200 × 360 cm (78.74 × 141.73 in), 2022...

$ 30000 USD...

It is moving to see the peasant mothers or mothers from Andean regions, with their children on their backs, supported by the aguayos, their bodies close to the motherʼs, who are always selling or harvesting with their children on their backs, with great tenderness. "We are mothers" means that they are mothers not only of their children, but of all children, they refer to the maternal feeling that gives them the ability to protect all the children of humanity, they are bearers of culture and family harmony, they are not corrupted because they are aware that they have to protect the earth and its resources for the future of their children, the children of humanity.


5) Maternity 1 (Maternities, triptych)

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on amate paper, 200 × 120 cm (78.74 × 47.24 in), 2022 | link | link $

$ 13,000 USD.

Maternity 1 (Maternities, triptych)...

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on amate paper, 200 × 120 cm (78.74 × 47.24 in), 2022...

$ 13000 USD...

A woman with her children is always seen like this in the Argentine Northwest, with her children on her back or on her chest close to her heart, in this case the girl almost always accompanying, helping her mother.


6) Mother 2 (Maternities, triptych)

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on amate paper, 200 × 120 cm (78.74 × 47.24 in), 2022 | link | link $

$ 13,000 USD.

Mother 2 (Maternities, triptych)...

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on amate paper, 200 × 120 cm (78.74 × 47.24 in), 2022...

$ 13000 USD...

An image that reflects the tenderness that rural mothers transmit, by always carrying their children with them and close to their back or chest, very close to their hearts.


7) At the fair 3 (Maternities, triptych)

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas paper, 200 × 120 cm (78.74 × 47.24 in), 2022 | link | link $

$ 13,000 USD.

At the fair 3 (Maternities, triptych)...

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas paper, 200 × 120 cm (78.74 × 47.24 in), 2022...

$ 13000 USD...

I found her at the Constitución station in Buenos Aires, she was at the ticket window loading her "sube" card. She caught my attention in the middle of the city, she was going to the fair, with her grown child on her back, sitting comfortably. I photographed her from behind, because she was leaving and I could no longer document her.


8) Elias

Series: «Children», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 2023 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.


Series: «Children», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 2023...

$ 18000 USD...

The proper name Elias has a Hebrew origin and its meaning is "my God is Yahweh." It is a very old name that appears in the Bible, specifically in the Old Testament, and conveys strength and devotion.


9) The corn harvest

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on canvas, 180 × 160 cm (70.87 × 62.99 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 45,000 USD.

The corn harvest...

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on canvas, 180 × 160 cm (70.87 × 62.99 in), 2024...

$ 45000 USD...

For years I have been invited to visit the Impenetrable (Chaco province, Argentina), to investigate some community and the living conditions of its inhabitants.


10) Hannah

Series: «Children», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.


Series: «Children», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 2024...

$ 18000 USD...

Hannah means "full of grace", "beneficent", "compassionate", "merciful", "pious", "great" or "blessed by God" (from the Hebrew "ḥen/חֵן" = grace/favor or "ḥanán/חָנַן" = to be beneficial/to be kind/to be merciful). Her luminous gaze inspired me to portray her because it coincides with the meaning of her name.


11) The Rose

Series: «Children», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.

The Rose...

Series: «Children», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 2024...

$ 15000 USD...

I found it at the door of a cinema on one of my trips to San Miguel del Tucumán. He was dressed festively and looked sad. I was moved by her look, her festive clothes, and her innocence.


12) Violinist

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 150 cm (59.06 × 59.06 in), 1985 | link | link $

$ 25,000 USD.


Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 150 cm (59.06 × 59.06 in), 1985...

$ 25000 USD...

Don Lucas Reyes Guanco, a farmer from Mollar (province of Tucumán), was invited by Josefina Racedo, director of CERPACU, to play his chacareras, gators and zambas from Tucumán with his violin. It is an instrument that is naturally used to interpret Argentine folklore by natural musicians, in this case from the hills of Tucumán, and also from the province of Santiago del Estero (such as Sixto Palavecino). It was exciting, because when he went on stage and played his first chacarea he received an ovation from the public who confused him with Don Sixto. He turned out to be such a good musician that he thrilled his audience and from now on it was his first and only appearance in public, imagine his own emotion.


13) Water on the head

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on amate paper, 170 × 120 cm (66.93 × 47.24 in), 2022 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.

Water on the head...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on amate paper, 170 × 120 cm (66.93 × 47.24 in), 2022...

$ 18000 USD...

In Haiti, the aguateras are the water sellers, since that country lacks running water. I visited Haiti in 2001, invited by the Argentine ambassador of Haiti Fernando Novillo Saravia and his nice wife Tuti. They learned about my research on the Haitians in the Haitian diaspora of Miami (through the Argentine consulate) and they invited me to spend a couple of weeks at the residence of the Argentine embassy in Haiti, to get to know this wonderful brave and hard-working people up close. I loved its magic, its art, the creativity of a people that unfairly suffers from all the deprivations, its women, beautiful tall, thin and elegant walk, accustomed since they were children to carrying everything on their heads, it was like entering an anthill where the industrious little ants go. from one place to another with his load on his head exchanging or selling his products. I keep in my retina the images that moved me so much.


14) Veracruz

Series: «Maya living culture», Pastel on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2001 | link | link $

$ 9,500 USD.


Series: «Maya living culture», Pastel on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2001...

$ 9500 USD...

She is part of the women of the land, a small series that I incorporated into the Maya series. I met her in Cancun, at a festival in the region. I was struck by her character, and when I asked her where she was from, she replied that she was originally from Veracruz, her hometown.


15) Nsoroma

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 190 × 189 cm (74.80 × 74.41 in), 2022 | link | link $

$ 25,000 USD.


Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 190 × 189 cm (74.80 × 74.41 in), 2022...

$ 25000 USD...

A Haitian woman, who suffered the earthquake in 2010, hence her expression of anguish, Nsoroma is a symbol of the Akan culture, which means moon and stars, love, union and fidelity.


16) Ancestors

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 140 × 120 cm (55.12 × 47.24 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 21,000 USD.


Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 140 × 120 cm (55.12 × 47.24 in), 2000...

$ 21000 USD...

This is about a mother and her children from the Mayan community of San Juan, in the middle of the jungle in Coba (Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico). I met her when I was introduced to that community by the Maya Kuxkinal Foundation, led by Pilar Jufresa. That night they were gathered in the central area of ​​the community, which was set up with several columns of tall logs that supported a thatched roof and a dirt floor, since it was in the middle of the Yucatecan jungle. Part of the community had gathered there to pack the tarantulas that they would sell in Mexico City as pets, and that night they would come to pick them up and pay them. The scene was impressive. This woman was with her husband. The children were asleep because it was late at night.


17) Wichi

Series: «Marches», Acrylic on canvas, 250 × 150 cm (98.43 × 59.06 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 24,000 USD.


Series: «Marches», Acrylic on canvas, 250 × 150 cm (98.43 × 59.06 in), 2016...

$ 24000 USD...

A Wichi woman who I photographed at a Wichi march in Buenos Aires, demanding their rights.


18) Atahualpa

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 150 cm (78.74 × 59.06 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 24,000 USD.


Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 150 cm (78.74 × 59.06 in), 2024...

$ 24000 USD...

I made this work in homage to Don Atahualpa Yupanqui, to exhibit at the event held by the hotelierʼs newspaper "A puro poncho 2024", promoting this Argentine garment.


19) Profile

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic and pastel on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.


Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic and pastel on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2000...

$ 18000 USD...

These are three men from the Mayan community of San Juan in Coba (Yucatan, Mexico). I met them through the Maya Kuxkinal Foundation, led by Pilar JUfresa, a very energetic Mexican woman who protected them through her foundation. This work was exhibited in the exhibition I did in 2000, on Mayan culture at the archaeological museum in Cancun, invited by its director that year, showing in the profiles of these men the physical characteristics similar to their ancestors.


20) Cerati

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas with synthetic resin frame, 200 × 200 cm (78.74 × 78.74 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 24,000 USD.


Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas with synthetic resin frame, 200 × 200 cm (78.74 × 78.74 in), 2016...

$ 24000 USD...

It was a portrait I did commissioned by a fan of this great rock singer.


21) Qom (sketch)

Series: «Farmers», Pastel on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 2,800 USD.

Qom (sketch)...

Series: «Farmers», Pastel on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2016...

$ 2800 USD...

Of one of the farmers of the Qom community of Pampa del Indio (Chaco, Argentina). I visited them at Christmas in 2004, then I made a large oil portrait based on this sketch.


22) Machu Picchu

Series: «Andean», Pastel on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2001 | link | link $

$ 3,000 USD.

Machu Picchu...

Series: «Andean», Pastel on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2001...

$ 3000 USD...

It is part of a series where I portrayed several women from different parts of America, using the pastel technique. I met this Peruvian girl in Machu Picchu.


23) Paceña

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas, 250 × 150 cm (98.43 × 59.06 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 28,000 USD.


Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas, 250 × 150 cm (98.43 × 59.06 in), 2016...

$ 28000 USD...

The Bolivian community living in Buenos Aires holds parades every year to celebrate their holidays on 9 de Julio Avenue. It is beautiful to see the display of costumes and dances, with their musical instruments, their dances, their culture of the highlands in all its luxury, but the hard part is the "end of the party" when the parade ends, they change clothes and return to their simplicity, thus maintaining their cultural traditions in a country that is not their own.


24) Miner

Series: «Workers», Oil on canvas, 80 × 60 cm (31.50 × 23.62 in), 1991 | link | link $

$ 16,000 USD.


Series: «Workers», Oil on canvas, 80 × 60 cm (31.50 × 23.62 in), 1991...

$ 16000 USD...

Worker in the Potosí mines in Bolivia. I visited that city when I traveled there in 1994. I entered Bolivia through La Quiaca and took a bus to Potosí to visit the mines where I found many very young miners. When I asked why, they told me that adults work in the gold mines.


25) Peasant

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 1996 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.


Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 1996...

$ 12000 USD...

Peasant grandmother, although she already looked like an old woman due to the furrows left by the wrinkles on her face, was a woman of only 60 years. In peasant cultures it is said that wrinkles reflect the wisdom of the years.


26) Navajo

Series: «American Natives», Acrylic and pastel on paper, 120 × 90 cm (47.24 × 35.43 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 25,000 USD.


Series: «American Natives», Acrylic and pastel on paper, 120 × 90 cm (47.24 × 35.43 in), 2004...

$ 25000 USD...

I was able to enter the Navajo reservation in South Dakota through my goddaughterʼs husband (Argentine residents in the US). He was a doctor and treated the natives. American doctors do not treat them to avoid legal problems. They allowed me to enter to interview them in 2004. The natives do not allow anyone outside their reservation to enter. They guard their culture and privacy very carefully.


27) Lola (sketch)

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2018 | link | link $

$ 3,500 USD.

Lola (sketch)...

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2018...

$ 3500 USD...

It is a sketch to make the portrait of Lola Mora in large dimensions.


28) Oaxaca

Series: «Maya living culture», Pastel on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2001 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.


Series: «Maya living culture», Pastel on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2001...

$ 15000 USD...

She is one of the women I made in pastel for the exhibition "Women of the Earth", which I held in March 2001 in honor of Working Womenʼs Month (Miami, USA).


29) Ccc

Series: «Marches», Acrylic on canvas, 80 × 60 cm (31.50 × 23.62 in), 2008 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.


Series: «Marches», Acrylic on canvas, 80 × 60 cm (31.50 × 23.62 in), 2008...

$ 18000 USD...

Paraguayan peasants at the "Peasants of Paraguay" march, protecting themselves from the sun with towels and bath towels on their heads, 2005 (Paraguay).


30) Marching

Series: «Marches», Acrylic on canvas, 70 × 40 cm (27.56 × 15.75 in), 2008 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.


Series: «Marches», Acrylic on canvas, 70 × 40 cm (27.56 × 15.75 in), 2008...

$ 18000 USD...

Peasant at the "Peasants of Paraguay" march in 2005, I was invited to document and paint it.


31) Woman of Lilac Dressing

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas paper with synthetic resin frame, 102 × 77 cm (40.16 × 30.31 in), 2008 | link | link $

$ 26,000 USD.

Woman of Lilac Dressing...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas paper with synthetic resin frame, 102 × 77 cm (40.16 × 30.31 in), 2008...

$ 26000 USD...

African women at the Afrikando fair, an event at the Miami airport, where they show and sell their native products, show off their clothing, their headdresses, according to the region where they originate from in Africa.


32) Reggae

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 65 × 55 cm (25.59 × 21.65 in), 2007 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.


Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 65 × 55 cm (25.59 × 21.65 in), 2007...

$ 18000 USD...

Portrait of Bob Marley.


33) Blues

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2009 | link | link $

$ 19,000 USD.


Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2009...

$ 19000 USD...

Private collection.


34) Afro

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 15 × 10 cm (5.91 × 3.94 in), 1999 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.


Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 15 × 10 cm (5.91 × 3.94 in), 1999...

$ 4000 USD...

Private collection.


35) Go Go

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 70 × 40 cm (27.56 × 15.75 in), 2009 | link | link $

$ 26,000 USD.

Go Go...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 70 × 40 cm (27.56 × 15.75 in), 2009...

$ 26000 USD...

A young girl selling papayas in Port-au-Prince, where I spent two weeks in 2001, invited by Fernanado Novillo Saravia, Argentine ambassador to Haiti, to help me get close to the Haitian people, so creative and hard-working. Happy despite poverty, a fighter, it was the first American country to achieve liberation from slavery, in 1804.


36) Native (sketch)

Series: «American Natives», Acrylic on cardboard, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 1999 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.

Native (sketch)...

Series: «American Natives», Acrylic on cardboard, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 1999...

$ 8000 USD...

Native American profile.


37) The Hospital

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1979 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.

The Hospital...

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1979...

$ 12000 USD...

It was at the exit of the childrenʼs hospital in Constitución where I found this woman with her sick child and her desperation to be attended to immediately, it moved me, but, a great helplessness invaded me, I tried to help her, since they did not attend to her because they did not have an appointment, the child had a very high fever.


38) Luisa

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 10,000 USD.


Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2020...

$ 10000 USD...

Portrait of Luisa Calcumil, Mapuche actress and singer-songwriter (Rio Negro, Argentina).


39) Heat on the march

Series: «Marches», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 60 cm (39.37 × 23.62 in), 2005 | link | link $

$ 14,000 USD.

Heat on the march...

Series: «Marches», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 60 cm (39.37 × 23.62 in), 2005...

$ 14000 USD...

Woman at the "Peasants of Paraguay" march, 2005.


40) Marila

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 11,000 USD.


Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2000...

$ 11000 USD...

The daughter of my friend Nubiaʼs employee, I met her when I went to visit her house in Mexico City, year 2000 (Mexico).


41) MLK

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 80 cm (39.37 × 31.50 in), 2018 | link | link $

$ 21,000 USD.


Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 80 cm (39.37 × 31.50 in), 2018...

$ 21000 USD...

A portrait of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


42) Quincy

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2007 | link | link $

$ 11,000 USD.


Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2007...

$ 11000 USD...

During my stay in the city of Quincy, two hours from Seattle and two hours from Canada, I found a city made up of a small percentage of American plantation owners and almost 80% of Mexican illegal plantation workers. In this case, it was a woman covered with a balaclava that served a double function, to protect her face and head from the intense cold of the area, and to hide the fact that she was a woman. I asked her permission to take a photo, explaining why, and she flatly refused, "No, please, I have enough to do being a woman and having to do a manʼs job." I painted her from memory.


43) Woman in Afrikando

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 250 × 150 cm (98.43 × 59.06 in), 2023 | link | link $

$ 28,000 USD.

Woman in Afrikando...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 250 × 150 cm (98.43 × 59.06 in), 2023...

$ 28000 USD...

Woman participating in the event called Afrikando at the port of Miami. In order to show her products, she wore a turban, and everything that refers to her African identity..


44) Qom grandmother

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2005 | link | link $

$ 13,000 USD.

Qom grandmother...

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2005...

$ 13000 USD...

Grandmother of the qom community of Pampa del Indio (Chaco, Argentina), December 2004, her features show the mixture with European, that area was inhabited by colonies of Germans, some married indigenous women.


45) Fito

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 70 × 70 cm (27.56 × 27.56 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.


Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 70 × 70 cm (27.56 × 27.56 in), 2010...

$ 15000 USD...

Portrait of Fito Paez, Argentine rock musician.


46) Little worker (sketch)

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 1990 | link | link $

$ 7,000 USD.

Little worker (sketch)...

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 1990...

$ 7000 USD...

Stevedore, before his boss.


47) Panchita

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on amate paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2018 | link | link $

$ 8,500 USD.


Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on amate paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2018...

$ 8500 USD...

La Panchita is the most famous and important vidalera in Fernández (Santiago del Estero, Argentina).


48) Mapuche Grandmother

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on amate paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2018 | link | link $

$ 9,000 USD.

Mapuche Grandmother...

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on amate paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2018...

$ 9000 USD...

Portrait of a Mapuche grandmother (Rio Negro, Argentina). For them, they show wisdom in every furrow of their face, they are highly respected and cared for by their relatives and their people.


49) Mrs. Margaret

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on amate paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 11,000 USD.

Mrs. Margaret...

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on amate paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2020...

$ 11000 USD...

Qom woman, participating in the meeting of women at Resistencia (Chaco, Argentina).


50) Nsoroma (sketch)

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on amate paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2012 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.

Nsoroma (sketch)...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on amate paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2012...

$ 12000 USD...

Nsoroma is a Haitian woman who survived the 2010 Haiti earthquake.


51) Abrapampa

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas, 140 × 120 cm (55.12 × 47.24 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 23,000 USD.


Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas, 140 × 120 cm (55.12 × 47.24 in), 2004...

$ 23000 USD...

Bolivian woman offering her products during the Easter festivities, 2003, in the Quebrada de Humahuaca (Jujuy, Argentina). Almost all religious festivities in this region are accompanied by fairs where locals offer their crafts and natural products to tourists.


52) Bride and groom

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2003 | link | link $

$ 10,000 USD.

Bride and groom...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2003...

$ 10000 USD...

While in Miami, a Colombian client commissioned me to portray her entire family in individual portraits. This work is a sketch of her parentsʼ portrait when they were still dating.


53) Young guy

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2007 | link | link $

$ 9,000 USD.

Young guy...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2007...

$ 9000 USD...

He is a Mayan child from the community of San Juan (Coba, México), I was in his community several times in 2007|8|9 invited by the Kuxkinal Mayan Foundation of Pilar Jufreesa... the children played with the ticks as if They were balls.


54) Stevedore

Series: «Workers», Oil on canvas, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 2009 | link | link $

$ 7,000 USD.


Series: «Workers», Oil on canvas, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 2009...

$ 7000 USD...

Private collection.


55) Geronima

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic and pastel on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1985 | link | link $

$ 25,000 USD.


Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic and pastel on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1985...

$ 25000 USD...

Gerónima Sequeida, Amaichaʼs songstress, with her crystalline voice sang to us her sorrows, joys and feelings, beautiful songs accompanied by the sound of her snare drum. Leda Valladares brought it to Buenos Aires, she was the one who discovered her impressive voice so that she would sing at the meeting of the resistance of the movement for the reconstruction of national culture, in 1983, presenting her song at the San Martín theater. She asked me to photograph her, which I did and she was never able to see it, as she died of tuberculosis shortly after. Illiterate, a shepherd in the "every service" service of a landowner from Amaicha del Valle, province of Tucumán, her voice immortalized her, giving him justice in the face of so much suffering she suffered in life.


56) Don Benencio

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic and pastel on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 19,000 USD.

Don Benencio...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic and pastel on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2000...

$ 19000 USD...

Don Benencio was the oldest man in the community of San Juan (Coba, Mexico), revered for containing in his memory the wisdom he acquired after so many years of life.


57) Plantation

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2008 | link | link $

$ 13,000 USD.


Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2008...

$ 13000 USD...

The plantations in the city of Quincy, two hours from Seattle (Washington, USA) were routinely visited by me in 2007. I was invited by my goddaughter and her family, residents of Quincy. I discovered that it was a city whose economy was built on the production of fruit and vegetable plantations in the area. The indigenous people from Oaxaca worked there, illegally hired by the plantation owners.


58) Equinox

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 160 × 160 cm (62.99 × 62.99 in), 2006 | link | link $

$ 28,000 USD.


Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 160 × 160 cm (62.99 × 62.99 in), 2006...

$ 28000 USD...

Every year, on March 21 and 22, the summer equinox is celebrated in Mexico at the Chichen Itza pyramid. It was built so that the sun draws on its steps the figure of the Mayan feathered serpent that descends to Earth to help humans. Private collection.


59) Benji

Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic and pastel on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 1990 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.


Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic and pastel on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 1990...

$ 8000 USD...

Benji was my faithful guardian for 6 years. I have never met a more intelligent, sensitive and communicative dog than him. He took care of me all day, while I painted, in the street, watching out for anyone to approach me. He was sweet, affectionate and very attentive, the son and grandchildren of champions, he seemed trained, faithful to the core. I had to give it away when I migrated to the US, but it benefited because I donated it to a couple, he was a veterinarian and she was expecting a child in her womb, they lived in La Pampa, in the countryside. Finally Benji had the entire field in front of him to run at ease. I loved him and continue to love and miss him, my dear and faithful Benji.


60) Little Haitian

Series: «Afro-American», Pencil and pastel on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2001 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.

Little Haitian...

Series: «Afro-American», Pencil and pastel on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2001...

$ 4000 USD...

I was in Haiti in 2001, invited by Fernando Novillo Saravia, a brilliant ambassador of that country, and his wife Tuti, a sensitive, hard-working and fun woman. I met a wonderful town, thanks to them. This girl lived there, she is one of the many girls who, despite poverty and the lack of running water, went to school clean, neat and starched.


61) Norman

Series: «Afro-American», Pastel on cardboard, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 2001 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.


Series: «Afro-American», Pastel on cardboard, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 2001...

$ 4000 USD...

Norman was the one who introduced me to the Haitian diaspora in Miami. He had a workshop next to my partnerʼs carpentry shop at the time. His job was restoring and refining furniture. He was friendly and a great worker, happy like all Africans, despite the unjust and suffering past they had when they arrived in America. I told him about my goal and about my work. I asked him if he could accompany me to his neighborhood to document their living conditions. They were all Haitian immigrants looking to improve their conditions of extreme poverty that they suffered in Haiti. I did very good work with him in those years.


62) Selkʼnam (sketch)

Series: «Holocaust», Graphite on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 3,500 USD.

Selkʼnam (sketch)...

Series: «Holocaust», Graphite on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2024...

$ 3500 USD...

Researching the desert campaign through the history books on the indigenous holocaust of Argentina, I learn of the massacre suffered by the Selkʼnams (Onawo or Onas) at the hands of the English, Scots, Italians and Irish, led by the red-throated pig Mac Lennan and Julio Popper. Their boss Menendez paid them a pound for each testicle or breast of the Onas killed, and half a pound for each ear of their children (1886|7, Argentina).


63) Margarita (sketch)

Series: «Women and men of impact», Graphite and pastel on paper, 30 × 40 cm (11.81 × 15.75 in), 2015 | link | link $

$ 3,500 USD.

Margarita (sketch)...

Series: «Women and men of impact», Graphite and pastel on paper, 30 × 40 cm (11.81 × 15.75 in), 2015...

$ 3500 USD...

I met Margarita Barrientos in 2013, when my sister died in Mar del Plata, the victim of an unconscious driver who was driving his vehicle while looking at his cell phone. She had a black belt in aikido, and also studied music and Japanese Sumi. I inherited their instruments, so I called Margarita to donate them to the Piletones, their magnificent work of helping the children of that slum. I was fascinated from the start, because she answered the call herself. I told her that I had musical instruments to donate, - "so much joy, for the music room" - she replied. I went, I found her smiling, waiting for me, and upon receiving the instruments she proudly showed me all the rooms and the work she did in the Piletones. Afterwards she bought me some "mates" while we talked. Always attentive to her surroundings, she did not miss any detail, it was truly a pleasure to meet her, so dedicated to collaborating for the good of her people and her children. I returned through the town with so much joy and feeling like one of them that seemed to float, in space, "people like that are needed on our planet"... I thought and felt in my heart. I promised her a portrait that for now I could only do with the sketch.


64) Guataca

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on amate paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.


Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on amate paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2010...

$ 12000 USD...

I found this girl on the road through the area of ​​Guatemala, she looked at me with those eyes full of emotion when she discovered that I was interested in them, from the bottom of my heart.


65) Aimé

Series: «Women and men of impact», Graphite on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 13,000 USD.


Series: «Women and men of impact», Graphite on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2020...

$ 13000 USD...

Aimé Painé, singer, faithful representative of her Mapuche people from Río Negro, Argentina, was raised between two cultures, the Mapuche from her genetic origin, and the Western one through a family from "Mar del Plata" city that adopted her when her father, The chief of her tribe had to give her up for adoption due to lack of resources to raise her with dignity. At that time they called them "maids", serving those who adopted them in exchange for education and housing. She studied in Catholic school, she was educated among nuns and religion. She had a privileged voice, which is why she was recruited to participate in the school choir. There she developed her magnificent voice that she later dedicated to her people, singing and playing exclusively Mapuche music. She was famous for her songs, for her place in the world by promoting her culture, and for her great beauty as a woman. "Respecting our culture means growing with dignity towards all the peoples of the world"... said Aime, who, together with Josefina Racedo, introduced me to the topic that to this day I continue to develop with great empathy and sensitivity in the service of the indigenous peoples from the world.


66) Aimé Painé

Series: «Women and men of impact», Graphite on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.

Aimé Painé...

Series: «Women and men of impact», Graphite on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2020...

$ 8000 USD...

Portrait of Aimé Painé. She was born in Ingeniero Luis A. Huergo, August 23, 1943, and died in Asunción, September 10, 1987. Her real name was Olga Elisa Painé, she was an Argentine singer of Mapuche and Tehuelche origin who dedicated herself to the rescue and dissemination of the folk music of her town. She was the granddaughter of a great Tehuelche Ranquelino chief, the lonco Painé Ngürü, it was she herself who came to the pampas in search of her family and found them. She was legally called Olga Elisa due to the legal impossibility of writing her down with a Mapuche name due to the Argentine laws of that time, although she later adopted her real name, Aimé, of Mapuche origin, whose meaning would be "what it means" or "reddish sunset." , for her artistic work. I met her and she was a great friend, I carry her in my heart.


67) Tannery (sketch)

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on cardboard, 50 × 70 cm (19.69 × 27.56 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 10,000 USD.

Tannery (sketch)...

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on cardboard, 50 × 70 cm (19.69 × 27.56 in), 2016...

$ 10000 USD...

Tannery workers, a work commissioned by the owner of the most important tannery in Argentina, an art collector and important philanthropist.


68) Coplerite

Series: «Andean», Acrylic and pastel on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1986 | link | link $

$ 13,000 USD.


Series: «Andean», Acrylic and pastel on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1986...

$ 13000 USD...

At the Purmamarca copleros meeting, a shepherd came down from the hill with his daughter and a goat to collaborate with the midday barbecue, singing his sorrows, his joys, his loves, full of his feelings for his great emotion of being able to show the public the music of his heart.


69) Child on the march

Series: «Marches», Acrylic on paper, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 13,000 USD.

Child on the march...

Series: «Marches», Acrylic on paper, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 2000...

$ 13000 USD...

A little boy who was in the "march of burning tires", where they set fire to roofs in protest.


70) The children of the village

Series: «Children», Oil on canvas, 100 × 130 cm (39.37 × 51.18 in), 1990 | link | link $

$ 14,000 USD.

The children of the village...

Series: «Children», Oil on canvas, 100 × 130 cm (39.37 × 51.18 in), 1990...

$ 14000 USD...

These children were in villa 31, where some of the stevedores from the port of Buenos Aires lived.


71) Quincy Farmer

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2008 | link | link $

$ 8,500 USD.

Quincy Farmer...

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2008...

$ 8500 USD...

They are the Mexican workers of the fruit plantations (apples, pears, etc.), of the city of Quincy (Washington, USA).


72) Purmamarca

Series: «Andean», Charcoal on paper, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 1985 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.


Series: «Andean», Charcoal on paper, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 1985...

$ 12000 USD...

Wheel of copleros at the meeting of copleros of Purmamarca (province of Jujuy, Argentina), year 1983, in the wheels of copleros the peasants tell their sorrows, joys, loves, feelings, through the singing of the couplets in counterpoint with their peers.


73) Stevedores

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on paper, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 1986 | link | link $

$ 17,000 USD.


Series: «Workers», Acrylic on paper, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 1986...

$ 17000 USD...

Stevedores are the workers of the port of Buenos Aires, from when "Puerto Madero" was the port area where they worked loading and unloading ships. I investigated this reality between the years 1985 to 1991, documenting their working conditions and portraying them in my works (Argentina).


74) The hunger shed

Series: «Workers», Oil on canvas, 120 × 120 cm (47.24 × 47.24 in), 1990 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.

The hunger shed...

Series: «Workers», Oil on canvas, 120 × 120 cm (47.24 × 47.24 in), 1990...

$ 18000 USD...

The hunger shed was the hiring entity, where almost 5,000 stevedores gathered every day waiting to be hired to work on stevedoring tasks (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


75) Hunger shed

Series: «Workers», Oil on canvas, 120 × 120 cm (47.24 × 47.24 in), 1990 | link | link $

$ 17,000 USD.

Hunger shed...

Series: «Workers», Oil on canvas, 120 × 120 cm (47.24 × 47.24 in), 1990...

$ 17000 USD...

It was the hiring entity for more than 5,000 dockers who were waiting to be hired in each dayʼs hiring. The hard life of the port workers of that time (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


76) Killing hunger

Series: «Workers», Oil on canvas, 120 × 150 cm (47.24 × 59.06 in), 1990 | link | link $

$ 17,000 USD.

Killing hunger...

Series: «Workers», Oil on canvas, 120 × 150 cm (47.24 × 59.06 in), 1990...

$ 17000 USD...

In the stevedoring body of the port of Buenos Aires, during 1985 to 1990 (Argentina).


77) Highway

Series: «Children», Tempera on paper, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 1980 | link | link $

$ 9,000 USD.


Series: «Children», Tempera on paper, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 1980...

$ 9000 USD...

A street child under the highway, sleeping because he is a homeless street child (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


78) Guayarete

Series: «Impenetrable», Pencil and pastel on cardboard, 50 × 70 cm (19.69 × 27.56 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 10,000 USD.


Series: «Impenetrable», Pencil and pastel on cardboard, 50 × 70 cm (19.69 × 27.56 in), 2024...

$ 10000 USD...

Denouncing the extinction of the jaguars of the Impenetrable (Chaco, northern Argentina).


79) Rosa Mystika

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas paper, 120 × 150 cm (47.24 × 59.06 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 30,000 USD.

Rosa Mystika...

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas paper, 120 × 150 cm (47.24 × 59.06 in), 2004...

$ 30000 USD...

It is the Palm Sunday festival in Tilcara, a town in the Quebrada de Humahuaca (Jujuy, Argentina) during my research in 2003 to be able to paint these festivities for their exhibition in the Edurdo Sivori Museum in Buenos Aires, in November 2004.


80) The farmer

Series: «Farmers», Oil on cardboard, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 2012 | link | link $

$ 21,000 USD.

The farmer...

Series: «Farmers», Oil on cardboard, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 2012...

$ 21000 USD...

Portrait on the back of a qom farmer, from the community of Pampa del Indio (Chaco, Argentina), December 2004. I documented that reality painting and testifying its inhabitants.


81) Embroidery hands

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 2012 | link | link $

$ 23,000 USD.

Embroidery hands...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 2012...

$ 23000 USD...

Embroidery woman from the weaving community of Mérida (Yucatán, Mexico), protected by the Tun Ben Kin foundation, of Silvia Teran and her Danish husband, they introduced me to that community to be able to document it.


82) The game of freedom

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas with synthetic resin frame, 100 × 130 cm (39.37 × 51.18 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.

The game of freedom...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas with synthetic resin frame, 100 × 130 cm (39.37 × 51.18 in), 2010...

$ 18000 USD...

Portrait of a Haitian woman in Miami, she had a warehouse in the Haitian neighborhood where she recycled clothes to sell, she worked hard and her children (4) helped her in their free hours.


83) Sikus

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas paper, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.


Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas paper, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 2004...

$ 18000 USD...

One of the images of the Quebrada de Humahuaca, during the Easter festivities in Tilcara, 2003 (Jujuy, Argentina).


84) Damballah

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 177 × 100 cm (69.69 × 39.37 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 23,000 USD.


Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 177 × 100 cm (69.69 × 39.37 in), 2010...

$ 23000 USD...

Haitian in Port-au-Prince, 2001.


85) Erzulie

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 177 × 100 cm (69.69 × 39.37 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 23,000 USD.


Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 177 × 100 cm (69.69 × 39.37 in), 2010...

$ 23000 USD...

Haitian woman waiting for her child in her womb, the Haitian goddess of fertility is called Erzulie.


86) Waterpot

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on amate paper, 200 × 120 cm (78.74 × 47.24 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 21,000 USD.


Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on amate paper, 200 × 120 cm (78.74 × 47.24 in), 2010...

$ 21000 USD...

Woman selling water in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.


87) Haiti

Series: «Afro-American», Pastel on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2001 | link | link $

$ 9,000 USD.


Series: «Afro-American», Pastel on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2001...

$ 9000 USD...

Haitian woman, from Port-au-Prince, year 2001.


88) Grandparents

Series: «Andean», Oil on canvas, 140 × 110 cm (55.12 × 43.31 in), 1990 | link | link $

$ 22,000 USD.


Series: «Andean», Oil on canvas, 140 × 110 cm (55.12 × 43.31 in), 1990...

$ 22000 USD...

Farmer grandparents offering their products at the fair, for sale.


89) The wait

Series: «Andean», Tempera on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 1987 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.

The wait...

Series: «Andean», Tempera on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 1987...

$ 15000 USD...

They are copleros from the Quebrada de Humahuaca, waiting for their turn to sing their coplas to the public during the carnivals (Jujuy Argentina).


90) Rest

Series: «Andean», Tempera on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1987 | link | link $

$ 22,000 USD.


Series: «Andean», Tempera on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1987...

$ 22000 USD...

Having stew for lunch during a break from the Purmanarca copleros meeting (Jujuy, Argentina).


91) Plowing

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 120 cm (39.37 × 47.24 in), 2005 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.


Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 120 cm (39.37 × 47.24 in), 2005...

$ 15000 USD...

Qom peasant (Toba people) originally from Pampa del Indio, plowing his land to plant cotton, which is the main product of Chaco (province in the north of Argentina).


92) Discharge

Series: «Workers», Tempera on paper, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 1990 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.


Series: «Workers», Tempera on paper, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 1990...

$ 18000 USD...

Port men (dockers) unloading bags from the ship to the truck, 1990.


93) The reindeer

Series: «Sami», Acrylic on cardboard, 20 × 30 cm (7.87 × 11.81 in), 2003 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.

The reindeer...

Series: «Sami», Acrylic on cardboard, 20 × 30 cm (7.87 × 11.81 in), 2003...

$ 8000 USD...

The Sami people are sometimes nomadic, and sometimes sedentary. In this case, I went to Norway to investigate them in 2003. It was June and the Sami, at the beginning of summer, were nomadic, as they took their reindeer (their main product) to the valley to eat. In the winter, they take them to the top of the mountain to eat the moss that grows under the snow, their winter food. The rest of the year, the Sami are sedentary.


94) June 20

Series: «Our heroes», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 60 cm (23.62 × 23.62 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 9,000 USD.

June 20...

Series: «Our heroes», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 60 cm (23.62 × 23.62 in), 2020...

$ 9000 USD...

June 20 is the commemorative date of the illustrious Manuel Belgrano, an Argentine independence hero who designed the light blue, white and light blue national flag, and its version with the sun in the center of the white that is only used in case of war. I made this work at the request of a private collection.


95) Closed ranch

Series: «Landscapes», Oil on cardboard, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 7,500 USD.

Closed ranch...

Series: «Landscapes», Oil on cardboard, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 2016...

$ 7500 USD...

Peasant landscape of the Argentine humid pampas (I painted them in Francisco Traviesoʼs studio, on Saturday mornings).


96) Opened rancho

Series: «Landscapes», Oil on cardboard, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.

Opened rancho...

Series: «Landscapes», Oil on cardboard, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 2016...

$ 8000 USD...

Peasant landscape of the Argentine humid pampas (I painted them in Francisco Traviesoʼs studio, on Saturday mornings).


97) White rancho

Series: «Landscapes», Oil on cardboard, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 7,800 USD.

White rancho...

Series: «Landscapes», Oil on cardboard, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 2016...

$ 7800 USD...

Peasant landscape of the Argentine humid pampas (I painted them in Francisco Traviesoʼs studio, on Saturday mornings).


98) Maternity

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 150 cm (59.06 × 59.06 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 34,000 USD.


Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 150 cm (59.06 × 59.06 in), 2010...

$ 34000 USD...

Describing the tenderness of the indigenous mother towards her son.


99) Teresa

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas with synthetic resin frame, 190 × 180 cm (74.80 × 70.87 in), 2012 | link | link $

$ 33,000 USD.


Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas with synthetic resin frame, 190 × 180 cm (74.80 × 70.87 in), 2012...

$ 33000 USD...

Private collection.


100) Mayan girl

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 60 cm (23.62 × 23.62 in), 2003 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.

Mayan girl...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 60 cm (23.62 × 23.62 in), 2003...

$ 12000 USD...

Circular work (digitally reconstructed photo). Girl from the Mayan community of the community of San Juan (Coba, Mexico).


101) Rafael Squirru

Series: «Women and men of impact», Oil on canvas, 120 × 120 cm (47.24 × 47.24 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.

Rafael Squirru...

Series: «Women and men of impact», Oil on canvas, 120 × 120 cm (47.24 × 47.24 in), 2004...

$ 15000 USD...

Portrait of Rafael Squirru, in tribute to his 80 years, Zurbarán Art Gallery collection


102) Rosa Grilo

Series: «Women and men of impact», Pastel on paper, 40 × 50 cm (15.75 × 19.69 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 10,000 USD.

Rosa Grilo...

Series: «Women and men of impact», Pastel on paper, 40 × 50 cm (15.75 × 19.69 in), 2024...

$ 10000 USD...

Rosa was the last survivor of the Napalpi massacre, her testimony has been key to winning the trial, she died at the age of 115 in her house in Pasaje El Hammer in Colonia Aborigen (Chaco, Argentina).


103) Child in Afrikando

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 250 × 150 cm (98.43 × 59.06 in), 2023 | link | link $

$ 28,000 USD.

Child in Afrikando...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 250 × 150 cm (98.43 × 59.06 in), 2023...

$ 28000 USD...

Private collection.


104) Smiling in Afrikando

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 250 × 150 cm (98.43 × 59.06 in), 2023 | link | link $

$ 25,000 USD.

Smiling in Afrikando...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 250 × 150 cm (98.43 × 59.06 in), 2023...

$ 25000 USD...

African woman from the group of African women in Miami who were part of the "Afrikando" fair in the port of Miami, where they offered to the public their products, food, dresses, turbans from the different regions of Africa, in the year 2000. Private collection.


105) Leti

Series: «Portraits», Pastel on paper, 35 × 30 cm (13.78 × 11.81 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Pastel on paper, 35 × 30 cm (13.78 × 11.81 in), 2020...

$ 8000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


106) Mrs. Emeteria

Series: «Andean», Oil on canvas, 140 × 120 cm (55.12 × 47.24 in), 1990 | link | link $

$ 14,000 USD.

Mrs. Emeteria...

Series: «Andean», Oil on canvas, 140 × 120 cm (55.12 × 47.24 in), 1990...

$ 14000 USD...

Peasant from Purmamarca (Jujuy, Argentina), I met her at the copleros meetings, she was the poorest illiterate in the town, she was in charge of order and cleanliness at the end of each meeting.


107) Mrs. Bibana Garcia

Series: «Women and men of impact», Graphite on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 6,000 USD.

Mrs. Bibana Garcia...

Series: «Women and men of impact», Graphite on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 2024...

$ 6000 USD...

The machi Bibiana was able to keep her people united in the lands that she obtained from the national government, she was synonymous with the fight to keep the culture and integrity of her people alive, she died on November 30, 1919.


108) Rebozo

Series: «Maya living culture», Graphite on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.


Series: «Maya living culture», Graphite on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 2024...

$ 8000 USD...

Mayan girl from Guatemala.


109) In the jungle (sketch)

Series: «Amazon», Pencil on paper, 30 × 40 cm (11.81 × 15.75 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 2,000 USD.

In the jungle (sketch)...

Series: «Amazon», Pencil on paper, 30 × 40 cm (11.81 × 15.75 in), 2024...

$ 2000 USD...

Indigenous group from the Colombian jungle, the invisible Indians, since they rarely make themselves seen. Itʼs a sketch, I donʼt know if Iʼll do the final work... Maybe.


110) Weaver (sketch)

Series: «Impenetrable», Graphite on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 2,500 USD.

Weaver (sketch)...

Series: «Impenetrable», Graphite on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2024...

$ 2500 USD...

They weave bags and baskets with yarn from the chaguar, a plant that grows in the Impenetrable (Chaco, Argentina), and sell their crafts with great success to tourists.


111) Mártires López (sketch)

Series: «Women and men of impact», Graphite and pastel on paper, 30 × 30 cm (11.81 × 11.81 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 2,500 USD.

Mártires López (sketch)...

Series: «Women and men of impact», Graphite and pastel on paper, 30 × 30 cm (11.81 × 11.81 in), 2024...

$ 2500 USD...

López was a key leader in the struggles of indigenous peoples, an indigenous leader from Argentina, an indigenous qom leader and a peasant from Chaco, whose death has generated controversy and demands for justice. He is remembered and honored annually by various organizations and people who continue their fight for truth and justice. In 2018, an international campaign for truth and justice for Mártires López was launched, and in 2020, a documentary about his fight won the Audience Award at the 13th Barcelona Indigenous Film Festival INDIFEST 2020.


112) The basket

Series: «Afro-American», Pastel on canvas, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.

The basket...

Series: «Afro-American», Pastel on canvas, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 2010...

$ 18000 USD...

Haitian saleswoman with her products on her head, 2001 (Port-au-Prince, Haiti).


113) Faces

Series: «Workers», Oil on canvas, 140 × 110 cm (55.12 × 43.31 in), 1996 | link | link $

$ 16,000 USD.


Series: «Workers», Oil on canvas, 140 × 110 cm (55.12 × 43.31 in), 1996...

$ 16000 USD...

Central Park Barracas collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


114) Palm Sunday

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas, 300 × 250 cm (118.11 × 98.43 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 45,000 USD.

Palm Sunday...

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas, 300 × 250 cm (118.11 × 98.43 in), 2004...

$ 45000 USD...

Palm Sunday in the church of Tilcara, Quebrada de Humahuaca (Jujuy, Argentina), year 2003. On that date, the locals make a religious procession around the church, at the same time the musicians come down with their sikuris and the bands of sikus, drums and boxes from the highlands, in a show where the peasants of the area show off with their bands, and musical instruments, the craft stalls, and the religious procession, as a clear example of religious and cultural syncretism.


115) Corn tortilla

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 350 cm (78.74 × 137.80 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 37,000 USD.

Corn tortilla...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 350 cm (78.74 × 137.80 in), 2010...

$ 37000 USD...

In the Mayan community of San Juan (Coba, Mexico), women and girls produce tortillas, their main food (as it is bread for us), after the men harvest, accompanying it with their spiritual rites.


116) Nelson

Series: «Women and men of impact», Charcoal on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 7,500 USD.


Series: «Women and men of impact», Charcoal on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2010...

$ 7500 USD...

Portrait of Nelson Mandela.


117) Iʼm a man

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas paper, 200 × 120 cm (78.74 × 47.24 in), 2018 | link | link $

$ 22,000 USD.

Iʼm a man...

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas paper, 200 × 120 cm (78.74 × 47.24 in), 2018...

$ 22000 USD...

Portrait of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., to be exhibited in the Detroit exhibition in tribute to 50 years of immortality at the Art Gallery 2019.


118) The Moon

Series: «Bodies and Nudes», Acrylic on cardboard, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 2007 | link | link $

$ 11,000 USD.

The Moon...

Series: «Bodies and Nudes», Acrylic on cardboard, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 2007...

$ 11000 USD...

Private collection (Sacramento, California, USA).


119) Citizen

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 120 cm (47.24 × 47.24 in), 1999 | link | link $

$ 24,000 USD.


Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 120 cm (47.24 × 47.24 in), 1999...

$ 24000 USD...

Portrait of an Argentine worker.


120) Ayiti

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 150 cm (59.06 × 59.06 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 26,000 USD.


Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 150 cm (59.06 × 59.06 in), 2010...

$ 26000 USD...

Haitian woman, during the rescue efforts of the 2010 earthquake. Carries on her head her bundle with images of the earthquake drawn with the woodcut technique.


121) Mayan mestiza

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on amate paper, 200 × 120 cm (78.74 × 47.24 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 16,000 USD.

Mayan mestiza...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on amate paper, 200 × 120 cm (78.74 × 47.24 in), 2010...

$ 16000 USD...

The Mayan mestizas are the grandmothers, so called because of their old age, which means their ancestral wisdom.


122) Nelson Mandela

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic and pastel on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.

Nelson Mandela...

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic and pastel on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2010...

$ 12000 USD...

Portrait of Nelson Mandela.


123) Papayas

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 13,000 USD.


Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 2010...

$ 13000 USD...

Portrait of a papaya seller in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, from my trip in 2001.


124) Ludovica

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2013 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.


Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2013...

$ 12000 USD...

Portrait of Ludovica Squirru, monkey in the Chinese horoscope. Private collection (Nono, Argentina).


125) Zapata

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 170 × 160 cm (66.93 × 62.99 in), 2007 | link | link $

$ 24,000 USD.


Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 170 × 160 cm (66.93 × 62.99 in), 2007...

$ 24000 USD...

Private collection (Mexico).


126) Fito Paez

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 200 cm (78.74 × 78.74 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 22,000 USD.

Fito Paez...

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 200 cm (78.74 × 78.74 in), 2000...

$ 22000 USD...

Portrait of Fito Paez, Argentine national rock musician.


127) Robert Plant

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 100 cm (47.24 × 39.37 in), 1999 | link | link $

$ 13,000 USD.

Robert Plant...

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 100 cm (47.24 × 39.37 in), 1999...

$ 13000 USD...

English singer-songwriter, leader of Led Zeppelin. Private collection.


128) Axl Rose

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 9,000 USD.

Axl Rose...

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2000...

$ 9000 USD...

Portrait of the singer of the band Guns Nʼ Roses (American rock).


129) Aiko

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 16,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 2016...

$ 16000 USD...

Portrait of my grandson Aiko Mora.


130) Luisa is Gerónima

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 180 × 160 cm (70.87 × 62.99 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 26,000 USD.

Luisa is Gerónima...

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 180 × 160 cm (70.87 × 62.99 in), 2010...

$ 26000 USD...

Luisa Calcumil playing "Geronima" (1986), film by Raúl Toso (Argentina). She played Gerónima Sande, a Mapuche descendant destroyed by cultural uprooting.


131) The dancers

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas, 170 × 180 cm (66.93 × 70.87 in), 2012 | link | link $

$ 31,000 USD.

The dancers...

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas, 170 × 180 cm (66.93 × 70.87 in), 2012...

$ 31000 USD...

Grupo de bailarinas en las festividades bolivianas que se desarrollan cada año en la avenida 9 de Julio (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


132) The tannery

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 140 cm (47.24 × 55.12 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 23,000 USD.

The tannery...

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 140 cm (47.24 × 55.12 in), 2016...

$ 23000 USD...

Private collection.


133) The mother girl

Series: «Andean», Acrylic and pastel on canvas paper, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 19,000 USD.

The mother girl...

Series: «Andean», Acrylic and pastel on canvas paper, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 2004...

$ 19000 USD...

Participating in the Palm Sunday procession in Tilcara, Quebrada de Humahuaca (Jujuy, Argentina).


134) Maia

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 13,000 USD.


Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2010...

$ 13000 USD...

Girl from the Mayan community of San Juan, in Coba (Yucatan, Mexico).


135) Bolivia

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 22,000 USD.


Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 2024...

$ 22000 USD...

Portrait of a girl from Cochabamba, Bolivia, on my research trip in 1994.


136) Ossi

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 2012 | link | link $

$ 28,000 USD.


Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 2012...

$ 28000 USD...

Ossainatu, was one of Momʼs caregivers, Mrs. of Alexandria, in the state of Virginia. I went to photograph Mom in 2008, the two caregivers were African, I had a great friendship with Ossi, one of them, whom I promised to photograph.


137) Pistachio

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2001 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.


Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2001...

$ 12000 USD...

Pistachio seller in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. I visited that country in 2001, invited by Fernando Novillo Saravia, who was the Argentine ambassador to Haiti.


138) In Once (sketch)

Series: «Workers», Graphite on paper, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 2012 | link | link $

$ 6,000 USD.

In Once (sketch)...

Series: «Workers», Graphite on paper, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 2012...

$ 6000 USD...

I saw the Once tragedy in 2011, live on television from my mechanic in Miami, while I was waiting for my car to be fixed. It moved me so much that I decided to immortalize my feeling.


139) Shepherdess

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on canvas, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 1990 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.


Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on canvas, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 1990...

$ 15000 USD...

Shepherdess from Cerro del Mollar (Tucumán, Argentina). We visited the peasant women with Kitiu, and when we arrived at the shepherdessʼs house she immediately treated us to some snacks, a glass of wine, the guitar and the party started between the three of us, "letʼs drink before we leave" she told us offering us the wine..


140) Frida

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas paper, 200 × 150 cm (78.74 × 59.06 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 28,000 USD.


Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas paper, 200 × 150 cm (78.74 × 59.06 in), 2010...

$ 28000 USD...

"Casa Turquesa" hotel-museum collection (Cancun, Mexico).


141) Milliner

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 100 cm (47.24 × 39.37 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.


Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 100 cm (47.24 × 39.37 in), 2000...

$ 18000 USD...

"Vitrina" collection (Milan, Italy).


142) Coya

Series: «Andean», Oil on canvas, 150 × 120 cm (59.06 × 47.24 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 22,000 USD.


Series: «Andean», Oil on canvas, 150 × 120 cm (59.06 × 47.24 in), 2000...

$ 22000 USD...

Central Park Barracas collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


143) Grandma Coya

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 100 cm (47.24 × 39.37 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 19,000 USD.

Grandma Coya...

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 100 cm (47.24 × 39.37 in), 2004...

$ 19000 USD...

Eduardo Sívori Museum collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


144) The Beggar

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas, 180 × 180 cm (70.87 × 70.87 in), 1990 | link | link $

$ 28,000 USD.

The Beggar...

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas, 180 × 180 cm (70.87 × 70.87 in), 1990...

$ 28000 USD...

Atomic Energy Museum Collection of Buenos Aires (Argentina). She was a beggar in Cochabamba (Bolivia) with her children sleeping next to her. I asked for permission to take a photo and gave him some money. She nodded despite herself, but covered the children. - The children too - I asked him, and I offered him more money. And she almost started crying and barely uncovered them. - Youʼre going to steal her soul... - And yes, itʼs true, but itʼs to give it back to her like this: and I showed her photos of my works, she looked not very convinced, feeling like she was selling her souls to the devil, although her face was dark. enlightened after seeing my photos. "Necessity has the face of a heretic", I thought.


145) Sikuris

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 2006 | link | link $

$ 17,000 USD.


Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 2006...

$ 17000 USD...

BNA Collection (Bank of the Argentine Nation).


146) Don Ata

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.

Don Ata...

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 2024...

$ 15000 USD...

Portrait of Atahualpa Yupanqui.


147) Santeria

Series: «Afro-American», Oil on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.


Series: «Afro-American», Oil on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2016...

$ 12000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, EE.UU.).


148) Embroiderer

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 140 cm (47.24 × 55.12 in), 2007 | link | link $

$ 16,000 USD.


Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 140 cm (47.24 × 55.12 in), 2007...

$ 16000 USD...

Private collection (Sacramento, California, USA).


149) Ana Sosa (sketch)

Series: «Portraits», Pencil on cardboard, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.

Ana Sosa (sketch)...

Series: «Portraits», Pencil on cardboard, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2024...

$ 4000 USD...

Portrait of a fighter.


150) My father

Series: «Portraits», Pastel on cardboard, 20 × 15 cm (7.87 × 5.91 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.

My father...

Series: «Portraits», Pastel on cardboard, 20 × 15 cm (7.87 × 5.91 in), 2020...

$ 4000 USD...

The portrait of my father, a man of great integrity. He taught us by his example to strive to be better, honest, hard-working, supportive, he took care of my mother with great love and dedication.


151) Offering

Series: «Hands of the earth», Acrylic on cardboard, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 2022 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.


Series: «Hands of the earth», Acrylic on cardboard, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 2022...

$ 8000 USD...

Offering a flower.


152) The Cholo

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 120 cm (78.74 × 47.24 in), 2023 | link | link $

$ 16,000 USD.

The Cholo...

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 120 cm (78.74 × 47.24 in), 2023...

$ 16000 USD...

Private collection (Jujuy, Argentina).


153) Qom

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2005 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.


Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2005...

$ 12000 USD...

Portrait of a Qon woman from Pampa del Indio (Chaco, Argentina).


154) Berta Caceres

Series: «Women and men of impact», Graphite on canvas, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 2018 | link | link $

$ 11,000 USD.

Berta Caceres...

Series: «Women and men of impact», Graphite on canvas, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 2018...

$ 11000 USD...

Berta Caceres was a Honduran indigenous Lenca leader, feminist and environmental activist. He co-founded COPINH to fight for the rights of the Lenca and won the Goldman Environmental Prize, "the highest global recognition for environmental activists." She was murdered after years of receiving threats against her life. His murder was widely condemned internationally throughout America and part of Europe.


155) Thinking

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on paper, 50 × 60 cm (19.69 × 23.62 in), 1998 | link | link $

$ 9,000 USD.


Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on paper, 50 × 60 cm (19.69 × 23.62 in), 1998...

$ 9000 USD...

When I saw her in that position, so pensive, in deep silence, I sank into her. Her soul cohabited within me, and I did not hesitate to record each of her features in me, to then portray her.


156) The Trini

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2008 | link | link $

$ 16,000 USD.

The Trini...

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2008...

$ 16000 USD...

I photographed Trini, a peasant from Tunalito (Jujuy, Argentina), after we became friends when she was invited by Josefina Racedo to sing her coplas with her husband Cholo, at the 1983 Resistance meeting held at the San Martín Theater. Aimé Painé introduced her as "natural music from the Quebrada de Humahuaca."


157) Pe & Pe

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas paper with synthetic resin frame, 200 × 400 cm (78.74 × 157.48 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 35,000 USD.

Pe & Pe...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas paper with synthetic resin frame, 200 × 400 cm (78.74 × 157.48 in), 2010...

$ 35000 USD...

North Miami Public Library Collection (USA).


158) I love my dog

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 80 cm (39.37 × 31.50 in), 2007 | link | link $

$ 11,000 USD.

I love my dog...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 80 cm (39.37 × 31.50 in), 2007...

$ 11000 USD...

She is the daughter of the woman who asked me for her portrait. She died by her own decision, nobody knew why. Her dog was everything to her, and that is how she is remembered in her family. May she rest in peace, wherever she is. Private collection (Sacramento, California, USA).


159) Tiger

Series: «Chinese Horoscope», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 5,000 USD.


Series: «Chinese Horoscope», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2016...

$ 5000 USD...

Illustrating the Chinese horoscope of Ludovica Squirru in the year of the rat.


160) California

Series: «Farmers», Pastel on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2001 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.


Series: «Farmers», Pastel on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2001...

$ 12000 USD...

Portrait of Mexican woman on the California frontier (USA).


161) Hiring (sketch)

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on cardboard, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 1990 | link | link $

$ 11,000 USD.

Hiring (sketch)...

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on cardboard, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 1990...

$ 11000 USD...

Private collection.


162) Tannery Workers

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 140 cm (39.37 × 55.12 in), 2022 | link | link $

$ 16,000 USD.

Tannery Workers...

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 140 cm (39.37 × 55.12 in), 2022...

$ 16000 USD...

Workers from the Buenos Aires tannery (Argentina).


163) Qom girl

Series: «Farmers», Charcoal on paper, 10 × 15 cm (3.94 × 5.91 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 2,000 USD.

Qom girl...

Series: «Farmers», Charcoal on paper, 10 × 15 cm (3.94 × 5.91 in), 2020...

$ 2000 USD...

Portrait of a Qom girl from Pampa del Indio (Chaco, Argentina).


164) Da Vinci

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 150 cm (78.74 × 59.06 in), 2007 | link | link $

$ 23,000 USD.

Da Vinci...

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 150 cm (78.74 × 59.06 in), 2007...

$ 23000 USD...

Private collection.


165) The Buffalo

Series: «Chinese Horoscope», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 80 cm (39.37 × 31.50 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 8,500 USD.

The Buffalo...

Series: «Chinese Horoscope», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 80 cm (39.37 × 31.50 in), 2016...

$ 8500 USD...

Illustrating the Chinese horoscope of Ludovica Squirru in the year of the rat.


166) Guido

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 70 cm (19.69 × 27.56 in), 2022 | link | link $

$ 11,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 70 cm (19.69 × 27.56 in), 2022...

$ 11000 USD...

Portrait with his dogs, by Guido Patalano, owner of the Maipo theater in Buenos Aires (Argentina).


167) The pianistʼs hands

Series: «Hands of the earth», Acrylic on cardboard, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 1999 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.

The pianistʼs hands...

Series: «Hands of the earth», Acrylic on cardboard, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 1999...

$ 15000 USD...

I portrayed the pianistʼs hands in Miami when I started the musicians series.


168) A nordelta tree

Series: «Landscapes», Oil on cardboard, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 8,500 USD.

A nordelta tree...

Series: «Landscapes», Oil on cardboard, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 2016...

$ 8500 USD...

Nordelta is a very exclusive private neighborhood in Buenos Aires. It was created by Eduardo Costantini and his brothers. Visiting dear friends who live there, I got excited and painted some landscapes, like this one.


169) Sunrise in Nordelta

Series: «Landscapes», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 120 cm (39.37 × 47.24 in), 2022 | link | link $

$ 9,500 USD.

Sunrise in Nordelta...

Series: «Landscapes», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 120 cm (39.37 × 47.24 in), 2022...

$ 9500 USD...

Nordelta is a private neighborhood in Buenos Aires, created by Eduardo Costantini (Argentine collector). While there, I fell in love with the sunset, and I painted it.


170) Sleigh (sketch)

Series: «Sami», Tempera on cardboard, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 7,000 USD.

Sleigh (sketch)...

Series: «Sami», Tempera on cardboard, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 2016...

$ 7000 USD...

The sled is a vehicle widely used by the Sami people of Scandinavia. When I went to visit them, I was fascinated by the legends they told me about flying sleighs, like that of Santa Claus.


171) The procession

Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on canvas, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 1990 | link | link $

$ 11,000 USD.

The procession...

Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on canvas, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 1990...

$ 11000 USD...

Procession in the Quebrada de Humahuaca (Jujuy, Argentina).


172) Reindeer in winter

Series: «Sami», Acrylic on canvas paper, 100 × 160 cm (39.37 × 62.99 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 17,000 USD.

Reindeer in winter...

Series: «Sami», Acrylic on canvas paper, 100 × 160 cm (39.37 × 62.99 in), 2016...

$ 17000 USD...

Twice a year the Sami are nomads, at the beginning of summer when they move their reindeer to the meadow, and at the beginning of winter when they take them to the top of the mountains because moss grows there under the snow.


173) in the tipi

Series: «Sami», Acrylic on paper, 20 × 30 cm (7.87 × 11.81 in), 2003 | link | link $

$ 7,000 USD.

in the tipi...

Series: «Sami», Acrylic on paper, 20 × 30 cm (7.87 × 11.81 in), 2003...

$ 7000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


174) Family

Series: «Sami», Acrylic on paper, 30 × 40 cm (11.81 × 15.75 in), 2003 | link | link $

$ 9,000 USD.


Series: «Sami», Acrylic on paper, 30 × 40 cm (11.81 × 15.75 in), 2003...

$ 9000 USD...

Private collection (Norway).


175) Romina

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 80 × 60 cm (31.50 × 23.62 in), 2018 | link | link $

$ 11,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 80 × 60 cm (31.50 × 23.62 in), 2018...

$ 11000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


176) Straw rancho

Series: «Landscapes», Oil on cardboard, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.

Straw rancho...

Series: «Landscapes», Oil on cardboard, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 2016...

$ 8000 USD...

Peasant landscape of the humid Argentine pampas (he painted them in Francisco Traviesoʼs studio, on Saturday mornings).


177) Huipil

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on amate paper, 120 × 100 cm (47.24 × 39.37 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.


Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on amate paper, 120 × 100 cm (47.24 × 39.37 in), 2010...

$ 18000 USD...

Mayan girl from the community of San Juan (Coba, Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico).


178) Embroidery machine on the wall

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas board, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 11,000 USD.

Embroidery machine on the wall...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas board, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2010...

$ 11000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


179) Corpus Christi

Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on cardboard, 80 × 40 cm (31.50 × 15.75 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 5,000 USD.

Corpus Christi...

Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on cardboard, 80 × 40 cm (31.50 × 15.75 in), 2020...

$ 5000 USD...

I painted this work while in Mexico during COVID 2020, the land of the sun, where it and the earth merge thanks to the magic of the 13:20 frequency of time that creates existence (of the body of Christ, therefore of all of us) and that is perceived there naturally. Thus, living with nature, the native Mexicans discovered the time government system. Chronocratic knowledge is the Mayan legacy for all humanity and is what could have avoided the pandemic and so many disasters that are occurring. It is never too late, we have time to learn it and evolve.


180) At the Obelisk

Series: «Children», Acrylic on canvas with synthetic resin frame, 200 × 200 cm (78.74 × 78.74 in), 2012 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.

At the Obelisk...

Series: «Children», Acrylic on canvas with synthetic resin frame, 200 × 200 cm (78.74 × 78.74 in), 2012...

$ 18000 USD...

A child sleeping on the street near the Obelisk on 9 de Julio Avenue (Buenos Aires, Argentina), after consuming his drug.


181) Nela

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 100 cm (47.24 × 39.37 in), 2021 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 100 cm (47.24 × 39.37 in), 2021...

$ 12000 USD...

Nela Arias-Misson (September 8, 1915 – July 17, 2015) was a painter and sculpture of abstract expressionist art, born in Cuba.


182) Sebastian

Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2018 | link | link $

$ 7,500 USD.


Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2018...

$ 7500 USD...

Private collection of West Palm Beach (Florida, USA).


183) The Mimi

Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2021 | link | link $

$ 9,000 USD.

The Mimi...

Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2021...

$ 9000 USD...

Private collection (Florida, USA).


184) The world is round

Series: «Landscapes», Acrylic on cardboard, 40 × 40 cm (15.75 × 15.75 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 7,000 USD.

The world is round...

Series: «Landscapes», Acrylic on cardboard, 40 × 40 cm (15.75 × 15.75 in), 2020...

$ 7000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


185) Intervened heart

Series: «Objects», Acrylic on plaster, 20 × 20 × 18 cm (7.87 × 7.87 × 7.09 in), 2023 | link | link $

$ 6,500 USD.

Intervened heart...

Series: «Objects», Acrylic on plaster, 20 × 20 × 18 cm (7.87 × 7.87 × 7.09 in), 2023...

$ 6500 USD...

Donation of the heart of Dr. Favaloro, operated on for charity (he was a great surgeon who performed the first heart transplant in Argentina).


186) To the great Argentine people health

Series: «Our heroes», Acrylic on cardboard, 40 × 40 cm (15.75 × 15.75 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 7,500 USD.

To the great Argentine people health...

Series: «Our heroes», Acrylic on cardboard, 40 × 40 cm (15.75 × 15.75 in), 2020...

$ 7500 USD...

Tribute to the creators of the Argentine national anthem, a work exhibited on its commemorative date.


187) The hand of God

Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on canvas, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 2018 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.

The hand of God...

Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on canvas, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 2018...

$ 12000 USD...

Private collection.


188) Qom man

Series: «Farmers», Charcoal on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2021 | link | link $

$ 4,500 USD.

Qom man...

Series: «Farmers», Charcoal on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2021...

$ 4500 USD...

One of the works of portraits of peasants made in charcoal.


189) A Palm Sunday

Series: «Sacred art», Pencil and pastel on paper, 15 × 20 cm (5.91 × 7.87 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 5,600 USD.

A Palm Sunday...

Series: «Sacred art», Pencil and pastel on paper, 15 × 20 cm (5.91 × 7.87 in), 2020...

$ 5600 USD...

Private collection (Mexico).


190) Boy Qom

Series: «Farmers», Charcoal on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2021 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.

Boy Qom...

Series: «Farmers», Charcoal on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2021...

$ 4000 USD...

He is a boy from the qom community of Pampa del Indio (Chaco, Argentina).


191) Grandfather

Series: «Farmers», Charcoal on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2021 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.


Series: «Farmers», Charcoal on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2021...

$ 4000 USD...

One of the works of portraits of peasants made in charcoal.


192) Good Friday

Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on cardboard, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 6,500 USD.

Good Friday...

Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on cardboard, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2020...

$ 6500 USD...

Private collection (Mexico).


193) Holy Thursday

Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on cardboard, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 7,000 USD.

Holy Thursday...

Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on cardboard, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2020...

$ 7000 USD...

Private collection (Mexico).


194) Woman at the meeting

Series: «Farmers», Charcoal on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2021 | link | link $

$ 3,800 USD.

Woman at the meeting...

Series: «Farmers», Charcoal on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2021...

$ 3800 USD...

It is one of the works of portraits of peasants made in charcoal, of an aboriginal woman, at the meeting of natives of Chaco (Argentina) that took place in 2014.


195) Tipi

Series: «Sami», Acrylic and pastel on paper, 30 × 30 cm (11.81 × 11.81 in), 2003 | link | link $

$ 6,500 USD.


Series: «Sami», Acrylic and pastel on paper, 30 × 30 cm (11.81 × 11.81 in), 2003...

$ 6500 USD...

The Sami are a people originally from northern Scandinavia, which I documented in 2003 on my trip through Norway.


196) Native spirits

Series: «American Natives», Acrylic on paper, 10 × 30 cm (3.94 × 11.81 in), 2021 | link | link $

$ 3,500 USD.

Native spirits...

Series: «American Natives», Acrylic on paper, 10 × 30 cm (3.94 × 11.81 in), 2021...

$ 3500 USD...

Private collection (available for sale).


197) The Pampas

Series: «American Natives», Acrylic on paper, 10 × 30 cm (3.94 × 11.81 in), 2021 | link | link $

$ 3,500 USD.

The Pampas...

Series: «American Natives», Acrylic on paper, 10 × 30 cm (3.94 × 11.81 in), 2021...

$ 3500 USD...

Private collection (available for sale).


198) The Mayan gods

Series: «American Natives», Acrylic on canvas paper, 10 × 30 cm (3.94 × 11.81 in), 2021 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.

The Mayan gods...

Series: «American Natives», Acrylic on canvas paper, 10 × 30 cm (3.94 × 11.81 in), 2021...

$ 4000 USD...

Private collection (available for sale).


199) The Navajo

Series: «American Natives», Acrylic on canvas paper, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.

The Navajo...

Series: «American Natives», Acrylic on canvas paper, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 2000...

$ 12000 USD...

It was a beautiful work, which unfortunately was stolen from me. If there was any collectorʼs interest in possessing it, I would be happy to do so since it is the portrait of a Navajo Indian who happily posed for me on the reservation where I went to visit them, dressed in his traditional clothing.


200) African woman

Series: «Afro-American», Charcoal on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2021 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.

African woman...

Series: «Afro-American», Charcoal on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2021...

$ 4000 USD...

Portrait of a beautiful woman of African origin, proud to be one, who I met at a community meeting.


201) May 25

Series: «Our heroes», Acrylic on cardboard, 40 × 55 cm (15.75 × 21.65 in), 2018 | link | link $

$ 6,000 USD.

May 25...

Series: «Our heroes», Acrylic on cardboard, 40 × 55 cm (15.75 × 21.65 in), 2018...

$ 6000 USD...

Private collection (Argentina).


202) The Belgrano (sketch)

Series: «Our heroes», Graphite and pastel on canvas paper, 20 × 35 cm (7.87 × 13.78 in), 2021 | link | link $

$ 5,000 USD.

The Belgrano (sketch)...

Series: «Our heroes», Graphite and pastel on canvas paper, 20 × 35 cm (7.87 × 13.78 in), 2021...

$ 5000 USD...

The sinking of the flagship General Manuel Belgrano was one of our regrettable losses during the war for Argentine sovereignty of the Malvinas Islands, which occurred in the southern seas of the Atlantic Ocean during the year 1982. Many brave sailors died, in the service of the homeland.


203) The 11th

Series: «Our heroes», Acrylic on paper, 40 × 20 cm (15.75 × 7.87 in), 2022 | link | link $

$ 4,500 USD.

The 11th...

Series: «Our heroes», Acrylic on paper, 40 × 20 cm (15.75 × 7.87 in), 2022...

$ 4500 USD...

Recognition of the 11th of the champions that no one names, Ángel Di María, a star who passed the ball to Messi scoring the goal that crowned the team in the 2022 World Cup.


204) Grandmother

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas paper, 80 × 60 cm (31.50 × 23.62 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 10,800 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas paper, 80 × 60 cm (31.50 × 23.62 in), 2016...

$ 10800 USD...

Private collection (Tampa, Florida, USA).


205) Bombisto (ticket)

Series: «Marches», Acrylic and pastel on paper, 40 × 50 cm (15.75 × 19.69 in), 2021 | link | link $

$ 5,000 USD.

Bombisto (ticket)...

Series: «Marches», Acrylic and pastel on paper, 40 × 50 cm (15.75 × 19.69 in), 2021...

$ 5000 USD...

Image of the "march of the drums" in the province of Santiago del Estero (Argentina).


206) The vidaleros

Series: «Murals», Acrylic on wall, 200 × 200 cm (78.74 × 78.74 in), 2014 | link

The vidaleros...

Series: «Murals», Acrylic on wall, 200 × 200 cm (78.74 × 78.74 in), 2014...

Wall intervened in tribute to the Meeting of Vidaleros and Quichuistas of Fernández (Santiago del Estero, Argentina).


207) Meow Cat

Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on canvas paper, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 2018 | link | link $

$ 6,500 USD.

Meow Cat...

Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on canvas paper, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 2018...

$ 6500 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


208) Emiliano child

Series: «Portraits», Graphite on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 1987 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.

Emiliano child...

Series: «Portraits», Graphite on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 1987...

$ 8000 USD...

My son.


209) Homage to Saint Martin (sketch)

Series: «Our heroes», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2021 | link | link $

$ 4,500 USD.

Homage to Saint Martin (sketch)...

Series: «Our heroes», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2021...

$ 4500 USD...

At times, my patriotism arises, and I decide to paint something commemorative like this sketch, in which I painted Argentina with the colors of the national flag, remembering the great Freemason and liberator of South America, General San Martín.


210) Camila, the priest and the poet

Series: «Our heroes», Graphite on paper, 70 × 60 cm (27.56 × 23.62 in), 2021 | link | link $

$ 7,000 USD.

Camila, the priest and the poet...

Series: «Our heroes», Graphite on paper, 70 × 60 cm (27.56 × 23.62 in), 2021...

$ 7000 USD...

Garcia Lorca and the shootings... in the early morning of August 18, 1936 in the Víznar ravine, Granada, Spain, the poet was murdered by Francoʼs authorities along with three other prisoners. He was accused of being a Russian spy and spreading Marxism. His body was not recovered and is believed to be buried in a mass grave. The reasons were many for that time and much more so in Spain. Lorcaʼs freedom was constantly colliding. Rafael was her lover and considered one of the inspirers of the Sonnets of Dark Love. His family lived in rivalry with the other two great clans of the Vega de Granada, fighting for the political and economic preponderance of the region. And his left-handed political tendency ended up generating hatred from those who murdered him.


211) A light in the darkness

Series: «American Natives», Acrylic on canvas paper, 10 × 30 cm (3.94 × 11.81 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 5,000 USD.

A light in the darkness...

Series: «American Natives», Acrylic on canvas paper, 10 × 30 cm (3.94 × 11.81 in), 2016...

$ 5000 USD...

Native spirits haunt the lands where they existed in life, as their guardians, guarding their descendants from the shadows.


212) street children

Series: «Children», Acrylic on cardboard, 50 × 40 cm (19.69 × 15.75 in), 1996 | link | link $

$ 7,500 USD.

street children...

Series: «Children», Acrylic on cardboard, 50 × 40 cm (19.69 × 15.75 in), 1996...

$ 7500 USD...

On the street, these children, from all over the world, have made their lives. Since when I painted this work, many have died, a few are alive and today they are adults. There are still some, sadly abandoned... that is, by you, by me, and by everyone. To do? How to help them? Nobody wants to get involved, they prefer pets to being responsible for children. They just need love and protection. They are the greatest scourge of humanity that must be healed, soon.


213) I am Nigeria

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 250 × 150 cm (98.43 × 59.06 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 17,000 USD.

I am Nigeria...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 250 × 150 cm (98.43 × 59.06 in), 2016...

$ 17000 USD...

Nigerian immigrant in Buenos Aires (Argentina).


214) buy me bananas

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 300 × 400 cm (118.11 × 157.48 in), 2001 | link | link $

$ 24,000 USD.

buy me bananas...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 300 × 400 cm (118.11 × 157.48 in), 2001...

$ 24000 USD...

A saleswoman in Port-au-Prince approached me happily saying: - Buy me bananas, miss. I laughed, and bought him some. Happy as he arrived, he went dancing towards the music that could be heard in the distance. Beautiful work, lost when I moved workshops, or perhaps stolen. Anyway, if anyone likes it, Iʼll make it again.


215) Peace and dishes

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on amate paper, 200 × 100 cm (78.74 × 39.37 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 21,000 USD.

Peace and dishes...

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on amate paper, 200 × 100 cm (78.74 × 39.37 in), 2004...

$ 21000 USD...

Palm Sunday in Tilcara, Quebrada de Humahuaca (Jujuy, Argentina), happy with his cymbals making noise, learning what music is, playing like every child.


216) Ojasos

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 70 × 60 cm (27.56 × 23.62 in), 2019 | link | link $

$ 9,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 70 × 60 cm (27.56 × 23.62 in), 2019...

$ 9000 USD...

Private collection.


217) Stowing (sketch)

Series: «Workers», Ink on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 1988 | link | link $

$ 1,200 USD.

Stowing (sketch)...

Series: «Workers», Ink on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 1988...

$ 1200 USD...

Men working with containers, in the port of Buenos Aires (Argentina).


218) Wisconsin

Series: «American Natives», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 120 cm (47.24 × 47.24 in), 2015 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.


Series: «American Natives», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 120 cm (47.24 × 47.24 in), 2015...

$ 12000 USD...

Wisconsin natives are the regionʼs first settlers and their descendants. Among the native tribes that lived in Wisconsin are the Menominee, the Oneida, the Ho-Chunk, the Potawatomi, the Chippewa, the Stockbridge-Munsee, among others.


219) Sikurus

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas paper, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 9,500 USD.


Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas paper, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 2004...

$ 9500 USD...

Private collection.


220) Cheyenne

Series: «American Natives», Acrylic on paper, 100 × 90 cm (39.37 × 35.43 in), 1999 | link | link $

$ 7,000 USD.


Series: «American Natives», Acrylic on paper, 100 × 90 cm (39.37 × 35.43 in), 1999...

$ 7000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


221) Portrait of Ikeme

Series: «Portraits», Pencil on paper, 50 × 45 cm (19.69 × 17.72 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 8,600 USD.

Portrait of Ikeme...

Series: «Portraits», Pencil on paper, 50 × 45 cm (19.69 × 17.72 in), 2020...

$ 8600 USD...

Private collection (Puebla, Mexico).


222) Chamame

Series: «Farmers», Tempera on paper, 40 × 50 cm (15.75 × 19.69 in), 1996 | link | link $

$ 5,000 USD.


Series: «Farmers», Tempera on paper, 40 × 50 cm (15.75 × 19.69 in), 1996...

$ 5000 USD...

Private collection (Río Negro, Argentina).


223) Uma

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 140 × 110 cm (55.12 × 43.31 in), 2019 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 140 × 110 cm (55.12 × 43.31 in), 2019...

$ 15000 USD...

Portrait of my granddaughter when she turned 12.


224) Aiko and her hat

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 80 cm (47.24 × 31.50 in), 2019 | link | link $

$ 16,000 USD.

Aiko and her hat...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 80 cm (47.24 × 31.50 in), 2019...

$ 16000 USD...

Portrait of my grandson Aiko at 14 years old.


225) Uma Kalea

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 140 × 110 cm (55.12 × 43.31 in), 2015 | link | link $

$ 16,000 USD.

Uma Kalea...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 140 × 110 cm (55.12 × 43.31 in), 2015...

$ 16000 USD...

Portrait of my 12 year old granddaughter.


226) Fishing

Series: «Landscapes», Oil on cardboard, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 2019 | link | link $

$ 5,000 USD.


Series: «Landscapes», Oil on cardboard, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 2019...

$ 5000 USD...

In the Nordelta lagoon in 2015.


227) Wisconsin (sketch)

Series: «Murals», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 300 cm (47.24 × 118.11 in), 2019 | link | link $

$ 20,000 USD.

Wisconsin (sketch)...

Series: «Murals», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 300 cm (47.24 × 118.11 in), 2019...

$ 20000 USD...

sketch made for a competition for a mural in the state of Wisconsin, USA, depicting the characteristics of the region.


228) The heart of Popolvu (sketch)

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 3,000 USD.

The heart of Popolvu (sketch)...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2020...

$ 3000 USD...

This is a sketch to illustrate the book about Popolvu, by a Mexican writer from Puerto Morelos (Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico).


229) He (sketch)

Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on paper, 20 × 30 cm (7.87 × 11.81 in), 1971 | link | link $

$ 1,000 USD.

He (sketch)...

Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on paper, 20 × 30 cm (7.87 × 11.81 in), 1971...

$ 1000 USD...

Sketch of my grandmotherʼs chicken coop from 1970.


230) On flag day

Series: «Our heroes», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2022 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.

On flag day...

Series: «Our heroes», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2022...

$ 4000 USD...

Private collection (Mexico).


231) Cochabamba

Series: «Andean», Oil on canvas, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 1994 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.


Series: «Andean», Oil on canvas, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 1994...

$ 8000 USD...

I traveled to Bolivia in January and February 1994. I was based in Cochabamba, but I visited Potosí and its mines, La Quiaca, La Paz. I spent one day at the meeting of coca growers in Chapare (Santa Cruz de la Sierra), where obviously I was not allowed to take photos, and then I left through Salta, and made my return trip to Buenos Aires by bus. Those faces and images of the Bolivian population, accumulated in my heart, did not stop presenting me with their most basic needs and feelings, and faced with the impossibility of satisfying them, in my helplessness I could only express them through the sea of ​​tears that I let flow from me.


232) Tribute to Piazzola on his anniversary

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 160 cm (59.06 × 62.99 in), 2002 | link | link $

$ 10,000 USD.

Tribute to Piazzola on his anniversary...

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 160 cm (59.06 × 62.99 in), 2002...

$ 10000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


233) Tribute to Belgrano (sketch)

Series: «Our heroes», Acrylic on cardboard, 50 × 40 cm (19.69 × 15.75 in), 2018 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.

Tribute to Belgrano (sketch)...

Series: «Our heroes», Acrylic on cardboard, 50 × 40 cm (19.69 × 15.75 in), 2018...

$ 4000 USD...

Paying tribute to the Belgrano on Argentine Flag Day.


234) Farmerʼs hands

Series: «Hands of the earth», Acrylic on canvas paper, 60 × 80 cm (23.62 × 31.50 in), 2014 | link | link $

$ 9,000 USD.

Farmerʼs hands...

Series: «Hands of the earth», Acrylic on canvas paper, 60 × 80 cm (23.62 × 31.50 in), 2014...

$ 9000 USD...

Detail of another work, "The Farmer", also belonging to the series Hands of the Earth.


235) A hand (sketch)

Series: «Farmers», Graphite on paper, 20 × 30 cm (7.87 × 11.81 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 2,000 USD.

A hand (sketch)...

Series: «Farmers», Graphite on paper, 20 × 30 cm (7.87 × 11.81 in), 2016...

$ 2000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


236) Another hand (sketch)

Series: «Farmers», Graphite on paper, 20 × 30 cm (7.87 × 11.81 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 2,000 USD.

Another hand (sketch)...

Series: «Farmers», Graphite on paper, 20 × 30 cm (7.87 × 11.81 in), 2016...

$ 2000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


237) The sun of Argentina (sketch)

Series: «Our heroes», Acrylic on cardboard, 50 × 40 cm (19.69 × 15.75 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.

The sun of Argentina (sketch)...

Series: «Our heroes», Acrylic on cardboard, 50 × 40 cm (19.69 × 15.75 in), 2016...

$ 4000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


238) Gregory

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 80 cm (39.37 × 31.50 in), 2019 | link | link $

$ 9,000 USD.


Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 80 cm (39.37 × 31.50 in), 2019...

$ 9000 USD...

Private Collection (Los Angeles, USA).


239) Stowing loads (sketch)

Series: «Workers», Ink on paper, 50 × 30 cm (19.69 × 11.81 in), 1990 | link | link $

$ 2,500 USD.

Stowing loads (sketch)...

Series: «Workers», Ink on paper, 50 × 30 cm (19.69 × 11.81 in), 1990...

$ 2500 USD...

Showing the work risks of stevedores in the port of Buenos Aires, 1985/90 (Argentina).


240) Harvests (sketch)

Series: «Farmers», Graphite on paper, 30 × 40 cm (11.81 × 15.75 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 1,200 USD.

Harvests (sketch)...

Series: «Farmers», Graphite on paper, 30 × 40 cm (11.81 × 15.75 in), 2024...

$ 1200 USD...

Corn harvest time in the Impenetrable (Chaco, Argentina).


241) The Hummingbird

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 170 × 150 cm (66.93 × 59.06 in), 2022 | link | link $

$ 16,000 USD.

The Hummingbird...

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 170 × 150 cm (66.93 × 59.06 in), 2022...

$ 16000 USD...

Work made at the "De Park en Park" event in 2022, where I have my studio and art workshop (Central Park Barracas, Buenos Aires, Argentina), together with Nito Mestre (famous Argentine rock musician), for donation to the pools of Margarita Barrientos. The hummingbird is the Nitoʼs guitar brand, he made the background and I made the figure.


242) Africa

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 150 cm (59.06 × 59.06 in), 2018 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.


Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 150 cm (59.06 × 59.06 in), 2018...

$ 18000 USD...

Work to be exhibited in 2019, for the Martin Luther Kingʼs tribute in (Detroit, USA).


243) The Grandmother (study)

Series: «Portraits», Graphite on paper, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 1977 | link | link $

$ 1,500 USD.

The Grandmother (study)...

Series: «Portraits», Graphite on paper, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 1977...

$ 1500 USD...

Study of the face of an Aboriginal grandmother.


244) Freedom

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas with synthetic resin frame, 200 × 200 cm (78.74 × 78.74 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 30,000 USD.


Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas with synthetic resin frame, 200 × 200 cm (78.74 × 78.74 in), 2010...

$ 30000 USD...

DPL Collection, Detroit Public Library (Detroit, USA).


245) Changarin

Series: «Children», Acrylic on canvas, 89 × 60 cm (35.04 × 23.62 in), 1995 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.


Series: «Children», Acrylic on canvas, 89 × 60 cm (35.04 × 23.62 in), 1995...

$ 8000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


246) The house of Tucuman

Series: «Our heroes», Acrylic on cardboard, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2024 | link

The house of Tucuman...

Series: «Our heroes», Acrylic on cardboard, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2024...

Private collection at Nono (Córdoba, Argentina).


247) Baby

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.


Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2004...

$ 8000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


248) Qom Woman

Series: «Farmers», Charcoal on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2019 | link | link $

$ 3,000 USD.

Qom Woman...

Series: «Farmers», Charcoal on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2019...

$ 3000 USD...

She is a woman from the qom community, at the meeting of natives, 2014 (Chaco, Argentina).


249) Beti

Series: «Farmers», Charcoal on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2019 | link | link $

$ 3,000 USD.


Series: «Farmers», Charcoal on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2019...

$ 3000 USD...

La Beti, qom chief, leading the indigenous women at the meeting of indigenous people, 2014 (Chaco, Argentina).


250) Offering

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic and pastel on canvas, 120 × 100 cm (47.24 × 39.37 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.


Series: «Farmers», Acrylic and pastel on canvas, 120 × 100 cm (47.24 × 39.37 in), 2004...

$ 15000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


251) Face

Series: «Bodies and Nudes», Pencil on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2008 | link | link $

$ 2,000 USD.


Series: «Bodies and Nudes», Pencil on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2008...

$ 2000 USD...

sketch of a male portrait taken in my body and nude studies sessions in Alexandria (Washington, USA).


252) happy

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 100 cm (47.24 × 39.37 in), 2007 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 100 cm (47.24 × 39.37 in), 2007...

$ 15000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


253) Copleando

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas paper, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 1994 | link | link $

$ 16,000 USD.


Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas paper, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 1994...

$ 16000 USD...

Singing coplas, the peasants tell their sorrows, joys, loves, feelings, through the singing of the couplets in counterpoint with their peers.


254) The Horse

Series: «Chinese Horoscope», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 80 cm (39.37 × 31.50 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.

The Horse...

Series: «Chinese Horoscope», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 80 cm (39.37 × 31.50 in), 2016...

$ 8000 USD...

Illustrating the Chinese horoscope of Ludovica Squirru in the year of the rat.


255) Blooming

Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on canvas, 80 × 80 cm (31.50 × 31.50 in), 2022 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.


Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on canvas, 80 × 80 cm (31.50 × 31.50 in), 2022...

$ 8000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


256) Tesarolo

Series: «Portraits», Pencil and pastel on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 2022 | link | link $

$ 7,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Pencil and pastel on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 2022...

$ 7000 USD...

Private Collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


257) Day of the dead (sketch)

Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on amate paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.

Day of the dead (sketch)...

Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on amate paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2020...

$ 4000 USD...

Tribute to the day of all the dead in Patzcuaro (Mexico).


258) Harvesting (sketch)

Series: «Impenetrable», Pencil on paper, 40 × 50 cm (15.75 × 19.69 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 3,000 USD.

Harvesting (sketch)...

Series: «Impenetrable», Pencil on paper, 40 × 50 cm (15.75 × 19.69 in), 2024...

$ 3000 USD...

Sketch for the Impenetrable series of works (Chaco, Argentina).


259) Weaving the chañar (sketch)

Series: «Impenetrable», Pencil on paper, 35 × 25 cm (13.78 × 9.84 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 3,000 USD.

Weaving the chañar (sketch)...

Series: «Impenetrable», Pencil on paper, 35 × 25 cm (13.78 × 9.84 in), 2024...

$ 3000 USD...

The women of the Impenetrable (Chaco, Argentina), weave their crafts with chañar yarn.


260) Chango

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas paper, 200 × 90 cm (78.74 × 35.43 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.


Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas paper, 200 × 90 cm (78.74 × 35.43 in), 2004...

$ 15000 USD...

Collection of Central Park Barracas (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


261) Marioʼs son

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2017 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.

Marioʼs son...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2017...

$ 12000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


262) Box (sketch)

Series: «Sami», Pencil on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 2,000 USD.

Box (sketch)...

Series: «Sami», Pencil on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2024...

$ 2000 USD...

The box is a percussion instrument that all native peoples use to accompany their voices that tell their stories by singing coplas.


263) The copleras of the meeting (sketch)

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on paper, 40 × 50 cm (15.75 × 19.69 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.

The copleras of the meeting (sketch)...

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on paper, 40 × 50 cm (15.75 × 19.69 in), 2024...

$ 4000 USD...

Mapuche women sing their verses in unison with their drums at the "Womenʼs Meeting" in Neuquén (Argentina).


264) Gathering the corn (sketch)

Series: «Impenetrable», Pencil on paper, 30 × 50 cm (11.81 × 19.69 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 3,000 USD.

Gathering the corn (sketch)...

Series: «Impenetrable», Pencil on paper, 30 × 50 cm (11.81 × 19.69 in), 2024...

$ 3000 USD...

Sketch image of corn harvesting in the Impenetrable (Chaco, Argentina).


265) Dawn

Series: «Sami», Acrylic on paper, 30 × 40 cm (11.81 × 15.75 in), 2003 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.


Series: «Sami», Acrylic on paper, 30 × 40 cm (11.81 × 15.75 in), 2003...

$ 4000 USD...

We left Tønsberg in a motorhome for Sami land in southern Norway in June 2003. It was the beginning of summer, when the Sami people become nomads, moving their cattle (reindeer) from the mountains to the valley, and it was very difficult to find anything more than the footprints they left behind. I dedicated myself to painting the landscapes that changed colour minute by minute, an experience very difficult to describe beyond painting, and even then, the colours of their clothes were not remarkably cheerful. We returned to Tønsberg through the fjords of the Norwegian coast, after having enjoyed the midnight sun of northern Scandinavia.


266) Ona (sketch)

Series: «Andean», Pencil on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 2,000 USD.

Ona (sketch)...

Series: «Andean», Pencil on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 2024...

$ 2000 USD...

Selkʼnam (the Onas), they were the inhabitants of the island of Tierra del Fuego (the southernmost population of the American continent), until the arrival of the European colonizers. They were annihilated, killed and those who remained alive ended up dying of diseases in prison.


267) Eve (sketch)

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic and pastel on cardboard, 60 × 60 cm (23.62 × 23.62 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 3,000 USD.

Eve (sketch)...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic and pastel on cardboard, 60 × 60 cm (23.62 × 23.62 in), 2024...

$ 3000 USD...

She was a great woman from Argentina, actress, singer, and wife of Perón, who was a great politician and Argentine president, founder of Peronism (a political party still in force, which has a large number of followers). Movies, plays, books have been made about Evita. I am honored to do her portrait, I feel very reflected in her, because she was a person who cared for the helpless, understood the people from the original ethnic groups of America.


268) The march of the drums (sketches)

Series: «Marches», Acrylic and pastel on cardboard, 35 × 70 cm (13.78 × 27.56 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 1,200 USD.

The march of the drums (sketches)...

Series: «Marches», Acrylic and pastel on cardboard, 35 × 70 cm (13.78 × 27.56 in), 2024...

$ 1200 USD...

The march of the drums takes place every year in July in Santiago del Estero (province of Argentina), from the patio of the "Indio Froilan" to the central square of the city. It is a very popular event, as visitors from all over Argentina and neighboring countries participate. I participated in this march in 2014, invited by its organizers Tere Castelnuevo and Indio Froilan.


269) Portrait of a girl

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2001 | link | link $

$ 3,800 USD.

Portrait of a girl...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2001...

$ 3800 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


270) The song of the Mapuches (sketch)

Series: «Andean», Pencil on paper, 30 × 40 cm (11.81 × 15.75 in), 2023 | link | link $

$ 1,200 USD.

The song of the Mapuches (sketch)...

Series: «Andean», Pencil on paper, 30 × 40 cm (11.81 × 15.75 in), 2023...

$ 1200 USD...

The Mapuche women at the "Women’s Meeting" (city of Neuquén, Argentina) closed the event with their voices singing coplas to the rhythm of the sound of their boxes painted with the traditional symbols of the Mapuche people.


271) Santeria

Series: «Afro-American», Pencil and pastel on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.


Series: «Afro-American», Pencil and pastel on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2010...

$ 8000 USD...

Private Collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina)


272) Sami Box

Series: «Sami», Pencil and pastel on paper, 20 × 15 cm (7.87 × 5.91 in), 2021 | link | link $

$ 400 USD.

Sami Box...

Series: «Sami», Pencil and pastel on paper, 20 × 15 cm (7.87 × 5.91 in), 2021...

$ 400 USD...

Typical singing boxes of Sami cultures (Norway).


273) La Panchita (sketch)

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on cardboard, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2019 | link | link $

$ 1,800 USD.

La Panchita (sketch)...

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on cardboard, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2019...

$ 1800 USD...

It is the portrait of Panchita, a vidalera from Fernandez (Santiago del Estero, Argentina).


274) Elderly woman (sketch)

Series: «Farmers», Pencil on paper, 20 × 20 cm (7.87 × 7.87 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 400 USD.

Elderly woman (sketch)...

Series: «Farmers», Pencil on paper, 20 × 20 cm (7.87 × 7.87 in), 2024...

$ 400 USD...

Portrait of a woman from the "Selkʼnam" community originally called "Onas" from the Tierra del Fuego island region (Patagonia, Argentina).


275) My Emma

Series: «Portraits», Oil on canvas, 200 × 140 cm (78.74 × 55.12 in), 2018 | link | link $

$ 5,000 USD.

My Emma...

Series: «Portraits», Oil on canvas, 200 × 140 cm (78.74 × 55.12 in), 2018...

$ 5000 USD...

The portrait of Emma (my daughter-in-law), she is a ceramist and nurse, originally from Sweden. When Emiliano (my son) married her, they decided to live in Sweden, so my grandchildren are Swedish.


276) Guarani Girl

Series: «Farmers», Pencil on paper, 30 × 50 cm (11.81 × 19.69 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 1,500 USD.

Guarani Girl...

Series: «Farmers», Pencil on paper, 30 × 50 cm (11.81 × 19.69 in), 2024...

$ 1500 USD...

The Guaraní Indians were the inventors of the custom of drinking mate. They believed that this would eradicate lies. True or not, millions of people drink mate in South American countries.


277) Chañar weaver (sketch)

Series: «Impenetrable», Pencil on paper, 20 × 30 cm (7.87 × 11.81 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 500 USD.

Chañar weaver (sketch)...

Series: «Impenetrable», Pencil on paper, 20 × 30 cm (7.87 × 11.81 in), 2024...

$ 500 USD...

In the Impenetrable, Ecological Reserve, women weave with the fiber of the chaña crafts that are then sold to tourists (Chaco, Argentina).


278) Craftswoman (sketch)

Series: «Impenetrable», Pencil on paper, 20 × 30 cm (7.87 × 11.81 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 500 USD.

Craftswoman (sketch)...

Series: «Impenetrable», Pencil on paper, 20 × 30 cm (7.87 × 11.81 in), 2024...

$ 500 USD...

The artisans of the Impenetrable are the women of the Qom and Wichi communities living in the reserve, artisanal production is one of its survival means (Chaco, Argentina).


279) Lonko Faki Prafil (sketch)

Series: «Holocaust», Pencil on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 500 USD.

Lonko Faki Prafil (sketch)...

Series: «Holocaust», Pencil on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 2024...

$ 500 USD...

Original authority pioneer in the struggle for the rights of the Mapuche people. In 1806 together with other indigenous bosses, he made an agreement with the Government of Buenos Aires by compromising his military support against England during the English invasions. In 1810 they were received in the Buenos Aires council evidencing a good relationship with the political power of Buenos Aires. From the second decade of the nineteenth century, Governor Martin Rodríguez began an occupation process by terminating the peaceful relations with the indigenous of the Pampa…. (Futa Anekon Community Source. Rio Negro, Argentina).


280) Elder Selkʼnam (sketch)

Series: «Holocaust», Pencil on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 300 USD.

Elder Selkʼnam (sketch)...

Series: «Holocaust», Pencil on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 2024...

$ 300 USD...

The Selkʼnam genocide refers to the events that occurred between the second half of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century against the Selkʼnam or Onas, an Amerindian people from the Big Island of Tierra del Fuego. The last pure representative of this town, Ángela Loij, died in 1974... (source "An infamous war").


281) Qom Boy (sketch)

Series: «Farmers», Pencil and pastel on paper, 10 × 10 cm (3.94 × 3.94 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 300 USD.

Qom Boy (sketch)...

Series: «Farmers», Pencil and pastel on paper, 10 × 10 cm (3.94 × 3.94 in), 2024...

$ 300 USD...

He belongs to the community of Pampa del Indio, a Qom leader who has been missing since June 2024, he fought against deforestation and drugs in the Impenetrable (Chaco, Argentina).


282) Anna (sketch)

Series: «Portraits», Pencil on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 500 USD.

Anna (sketch)...

Series: «Portraits», Pencil on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2024...

$ 500 USD...

I met Anna, from the Qom community in Buenos Aires, when she was showing her crafts at a CCK event (Kirchner Cultural Center). We talked and she invited me to her workshop (I havenʼt been there yet) in La Matanza (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


283) Olive branch

Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on cardboard, 40 × 25 cm (15.75 × 9.84 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 1,800 USD.

Olive branch...

Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on cardboard, 40 × 25 cm (15.75 × 9.84 in), 2000...

$ 1800 USD...

Private collection (Puebla, Mexico)


284) The Crown (sketch)

Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 800 USD.

The Crown (sketch)...

Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 2016...

$ 800 USD...

This work I did in homage to Jesus Christ. I was always very close to him, and when I took my brushes to paint him, it was as if he had taken possession of me, and my hands were his. I cried a lot, I felt the pain he felt as his gentle voice calmed me in my mind.


285) Jesus

Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on canvas, 80 × 50 cm (31.50 × 19.69 in), 2012 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.


Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on canvas, 80 × 50 cm (31.50 × 19.69 in), 2012...

$ 8000 USD...

Christ and suffering in his face, 2012 (Buenos Aires, Argentina)


286) Valentineʼs Day

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 90 cm (47.24 × 35.43 in), 2011 | link | link $

$ 9,000 USD.

Valentineʼs Day...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 90 cm (47.24 × 35.43 in), 2011...

$ 9000 USD...

Mother although very young, selling her hearts on Valentineʼs Day in Coyoacán Square (Mexico City, Mexico).


287) Tehuelche (sketch)

Series: «Holocaust», Acrylic on cardboard, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 2,000 USD.

Tehuelche (sketch)...

Series: «Holocaust», Acrylic on cardboard, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 2024...

$ 2000 USD...

The advance of military expeditions on the lands of these peoples, completely dismantled the system that regulated the social and territorial relations of the original groups... (Chronicles of banishment of "an infamous war").


288) Vintage

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 160 × 180 cm (62.99 × 70.87 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.


Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 160 × 180 cm (62.99 × 70.87 in), 2016...

$ 18000 USD...

This work obtained a mention in the painting hall of the Manuel Belgrano Award, 2016 (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


289) In the vineyard

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 120 cm (39.37 × 47.24 in), 2005 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.

In the vineyard...

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 120 cm (39.37 × 47.24 in), 2005...

$ 12000 USD...

Harvesting the grapes in the vineyards of 2005 (Mendoza, Argentina).


290) Port men

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 1991 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.

Port men...

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 1991...

$ 15000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


291) Martyrs

Series: «Portraits», Pencil on paper, 40 × 50 cm (15.75 × 19.69 in), 2017 | link | link $

$ 1,500 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Pencil on paper, 40 × 50 cm (15.75 × 19.69 in), 2017...

$ 1500 USD...

Portrait of the qom chief and leader of Pampa del Indio, 2005 (Chaco, Argentina).


292) Che

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 150 cm (59.06 × 59.06 in), 1997 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 150 cm (59.06 × 59.06 in), 1997...

$ 15000 USD...

This work contains an unusual anecdote. In 1998, I was already living in my studio in Miami, where we held an open studios event every month, and at one of those events I was told that a Cuban curator who lived in Cancun was visiting us. So, taking into account that he was exiled from his country of origin, I hid that work carefully so that he wouldnʼt see it, but while snooping through my works he discovered it and... "thereʼs a mess," I thought, and on the contrary, he loved it: - "This work is wonderful, you painted it for me, Iʼm taking it to Mexico" - he told me.


293) The Malevo

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on cardboard, 150 × 90 cm (59.06 × 35.43 in), 1998 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.

The Malevo...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on cardboard, 150 × 90 cm (59.06 × 35.43 in), 1998...

$ 12000 USD...

It is the portrait of Rafa, a tango dancer I met at "El Gaucho", an Argentine restaurant in Miami where tango was also danced, 1998 (Miami, USA).


294) El Chañar (sketch)

Series: «Impenetrable», Acrylic on paper, 30 × 40 cm (11.81 × 15.75 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 1,300 USD.

El Chañar (sketch)...

Series: «Impenetrable», Acrylic on paper, 30 × 40 cm (11.81 × 15.75 in), 2024...

$ 1300 USD...

At the El Chañar del Impenetrable plantation, 2024 (Chaco, Argentina).


295) Sami Elder (sketch)

Series: «Sami», Pencil and pastel on paper, 20 × 15 cm (7.87 × 5.91 in), 2003 | link | link $

$ 2,000 USD.

Sami Elder (sketch)...

Series: «Sami», Pencil and pastel on paper, 20 × 15 cm (7.87 × 5.91 in), 2003...

$ 2000 USD...

Portrait of an old man we met in 2003, during an expedition to the Sami lands (in Norway and Sweden).


296) Abra pampa

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas paper, 200 × 100 cm (78.74 × 39.37 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.

Abra pampa...

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas paper, 200 × 100 cm (78.74 × 39.37 in), 2004...

$ 15000 USD...

At Easter 2003, I visited the Quebrada de Humahuaca (Jujuy, Argentina) with friends to document images for the purpose of painting the work for my 2004 exhibition at the Sívori Museum. Suddenly, walking towards the fair, I met this Bolivian woman from the "Abrapampa" area, going to offer her handicrafts to the tourists visiting the ravine.


297) Maria

Series: «Sacred art», Oil on canvas, 100 × 80 cm (39.37 × 31.50 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.


Series: «Sacred art», Oil on canvas, 100 × 80 cm (39.37 × 31.50 in), 2010...

$ 18000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


298) Amira

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 2024...

$ 12000 USD...

Portrait of a Lebanese girl.


299) Juan Manuel de Rosas

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 80 × 60 cm (31.50 × 23.62 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.

Juan Manuel de Rosas...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 80 × 60 cm (31.50 × 23.62 in), 2024...

$ 8000 USD...

Argentine landowner and military man, governor of the province of Buenos Aires between 1835 and 1852. He became the main leader of the Argentine Confederation.


300) Milongueando

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 80 × 100 cm (31.50 × 39.37 in), 2001 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 80 × 100 cm (31.50 × 39.37 in), 2001...

$ 8000 USD...

Dancing tango in "El Gaucho", 2001 (Miami, USA).


301) Ana Ines

Series: «Portraits», Pencil on paper, 100 × 80 cm (39.37 × 31.50 in), 1984 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.

Ana Ines...

Series: «Portraits», Pencil on paper, 100 × 80 cm (39.37 × 31.50 in), 1984...

$ 15000 USD...

Private collection (San Diego, California, USA).


302) Sky blue

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2003 | link | link $

$ 9,000 USD.

Sky blue...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2003...

$ 9000 USD...

Private collection (Oslo, Norway).


303) Tom and his dogs

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on cardboard, 80 × 120 cm (31.50 × 47.24 in), 2007 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.

Tom and his dogs...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on cardboard, 80 × 120 cm (31.50 × 47.24 in), 2007...

$ 12000 USD...

Private collection (Sacramento, California, USA).


304) Walking in Wenatchee (detail)

Series: «Landscapes», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 100 cm (47.24 × 39.37 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.

Walking in Wenatchee (detail)...

Series: «Landscapes», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 100 cm (47.24 × 39.37 in), 2016...

$ 15000 USD...

It is part of a work presented in the city of Wenatche by a public contest to carry out a mural painting (Wenatchee, Washington, USA).


305) Sunrise

Series: «Landscapes», Acrylic on cardboard, 15 × 30 cm (5.91 × 11.81 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.


Series: «Landscapes», Acrylic on cardboard, 15 × 30 cm (5.91 × 11.81 in), 2004...

$ 8000 USD...

The sunrises of Nono, unforgettable (Córdoba, Argentina).


306) Guatemalan girl

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on amate paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2009 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.

Guatemalan girl...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on amate paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2009...

$ 12000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


307) Saleswomen

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 180 × 170 cm (70.87 × 66.93 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 25,000 USD.


Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 180 × 170 cm (70.87 × 66.93 in), 2010...

$ 25000 USD...

Visiting the Haitian Historical Museum, my emotion was intense, a museum that displayed a huge mural of great quality, along its walls, telling the story of the Haitian people from the French invasion to date. France brought African slaves to Haiti because when they saw that the natives did not collaborate with their interests, they killed them all and those who were not killed, committed collective suicide in disapproval of the French genocide. This is the reason why the Haitian people are mostly black. When I left the museum I met these street vendors. They allowed me to take photos of them so I could paint them when I saw my emotion at this story that speaks of the bravery of a people who, through the struggle of the slaves, was the first country on the American continent to free itself from slavery, in 1804.


308) Violet blue turban

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 250 × 150 cm (98.43 × 59.06 in), 2022 | link | link $

$ 20,000 USD.

Violet blue turban...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 250 × 150 cm (98.43 × 59.06 in), 2022...

$ 20000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


309) The Trini Vilte

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1998 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.

The Trini Vilte...

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1998...

$ 12000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


310) Palomita

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 110 × 90 cm (43.31 × 35.43 in), 1999 | link | link $

$ 9,000 USD.


Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 110 × 90 cm (43.31 × 35.43 in), 1999...

$ 9000 USD...

Palomita was the name given to Chula Perazza by a Mexican friend, the mother of the owner of the house where we stayed that year in Mexico City. I was struck by her expression, which reflected the pain of her parents being mistreated by those who hired them (Mexico).


311) The Beti

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 200 cm (78.74 × 78.74 in), 2006 | link | link $

$ 25,000 USD.

The Beti...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 200 cm (78.74 × 78.74 in), 2006...

$ 25000 USD...

Portrait of Beti, a Qom leader from Pampa del Indio. I visited his community several times, in December 2004 and April 2005, documenting their conditions: no running water despite being very close to the Bermejo River, which at that time was monopolized by a soybean plantation... they collected rainwater in half a roof. "I donʼt know why they donʼt hire us, since we know how to plant soybeans and protect the land from the damage caused by these plantations" (Chaco, Argentina).


312) Eskimo

Series: «American Natives», Acrylic on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2003 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.


Series: «American Natives», Acrylic on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2003...

$ 8000 USD...

I had the opportunity to meet this Eskimo, he was working at the salmon farms, 2001 (Juneau, Alaska, USA).


313) Ken Koff

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 190 × 180 cm (74.80 × 70.87 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 25,000 USD.

Ken Koff...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 190 × 180 cm (74.80 × 70.87 in), 2004...

$ 25000 USD...

Another of the vendors who offer their products at the exit of the Haitian Historical Museum covers their faces with their hats so that I donʼt steal their souls with the photo (Ken Koff, Haiti).


314) My girl Maya

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 30 cm (19.69 × 11.81 in), 2010 | link

My girl Maya...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 30 cm (19.69 × 11.81 in), 2010...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


315) Boat

Series: «Landscapes», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 150 cm (47.24 × 59.06 in), 2017 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.


Series: «Landscapes», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 150 cm (47.24 × 59.06 in), 2017...

$ 12000 USD...

Part of the triptych presented for the contest to paint a mural in the city of Wenatchee, the work was highlighted with a mention (Washington, USA).


316) red turban

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2001 | link | link $

$ 5,000 USD.

red turban...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2001...

$ 5000 USD...

Woman of African origin participating in the Miami port fair that takes place every year, where women and men show the public their culture through clothing, turbans according to their region of origin, their food, drinks, religions... year 2000 (Miami, Florida, USA).


317) I have a dream

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic and pastel on amate paper, 200 × 120 cm (78.74 × 47.24 in), 2018 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.

I have a dream...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic and pastel on amate paper, 200 × 120 cm (78.74 × 47.24 in), 2018...

$ 18000 USD...

Work presented in the exhibition "50 years of immortality", in tribute to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Junior, on its 50th anniversary, DPL Art Gallery (Detroit, USA).


318) The Ñuñorco

Series: «Landscapes», Acrylic on wall, 300 × 500 cm (118.11 × 196.85 in), 2014 | link | link $

$ 25,000 USD.

The Ñuñorco...

Series: «Landscapes», Acrylic on wall, 300 × 500 cm (118.11 × 196.85 in), 2014...

$ 25000 USD...

Wall intervened with the image of Ñuñorco (the most imposing hill in Mollar), commissioned by Josefina Racedo on the celebration of her 70th birthday to decorate the wall separating her land from that of the neighbor, 2014 (Tucumán, Argentina).


319) White turban

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 170 × 160 cm (66.93 × 62.99 in), 2022 | link | link $

$ 25,000 USD.

White turban...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 170 × 160 cm (66.93 × 62.99 in), 2022...

$ 25000 USD...

Woman participating in Afrikando, an African fair that takes place every year in the port of Miami. I was invited in 2000 by its organizer (Florida, USA).


320) Quiaca

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.


Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 2004...

$ 12000 USD...

He is a child participating in the march of Originarios de Jujuy to Buenos Aires.


321) Uma Mora

Series: «Portraits», Oil on canvas, 80 × 60 cm (31.50 × 23.62 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.

Uma Mora...

Series: «Portraits», Oil on canvas, 80 × 60 cm (31.50 × 23.62 in), 2000...

$ 15000 USD...

The portrait of my granddaughter Uma when I was little (Stockholm, Sweden)


322) Sisters

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on canvas, 140 × 120 cm (55.12 × 47.24 in), 2005 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.


Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on canvas, 140 × 120 cm (55.12 × 47.24 in), 2005...

$ 18000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


323) Paolaʼs pet

Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2015 | link | link $

$ 9,000 USD.

Paolaʼs pet...

Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2015...

$ 9000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


324) Makandalʼs game

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 101 × 130 cm (39.76 × 51.18 in), 2001 | link | link $

$ 20,000 USD.

Makandalʼs game...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 101 × 130 cm (39.76 × 51.18 in), 2001...

$ 20000 USD...

Makandal was a spiritual leader who collaborated with Haitian slaves in the fight against slavery (Port-au-Prince, Haiti).


325) Jujeña march

Series: «Marches», Acrylic on canvas, 140 × 150 cm (55.12 × 59.06 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.

Jujeña march...

Series: «Marches», Acrylic on canvas, 140 × 150 cm (55.12 × 59.06 in), 2004...

$ 18000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


326) Still life

Series: «Nature», Acrylic on cardboard, 200 × 120 cm (78.74 × 47.24 in), 1978 | link | link $

$ 16,000 USD.

Still life...

Series: «Nature», Acrylic on cardboard, 200 × 120 cm (78.74 × 47.24 in), 1978...

$ 16000 USD...

Representing through mannequins and stained glass without human beings, the time of the Argentine military dictatorship and the disappearance of people, 1976/83 (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


327) Amanda

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 7,000 USD.


Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2020...

$ 7000 USD...

Qom leader of the community in Formosa, wife of the Qom leader Félix Díaz, responsible for the camp on 9 de Julio Avenue during the years 2012/14, only asked to be allowed to dialogue with the government in power, finally they lifted the camp when the government changed in 2015 and were attended to (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


328) Vineyards

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 160 × 180 cm (62.99 × 70.87 in), 2022 | link | link $

$ 25,000 USD.


Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 160 × 180 cm (62.99 × 70.87 in), 2022...

$ 25000 USD...

Harvesting the grapes in the vineyards, 2006 (Salta, Argentina).


329) Hiring

Series: «Workers», Oil on canvas, 120 × 120 cm (47.24 × 47.24 in), 1995 | link | link $

$ 20,000 USD.


Series: «Workers», Oil on canvas, 120 × 120 cm (47.24 × 47.24 in), 1995...

$ 20000 USD...

The port hiring is made by the foremen who randomly choose the workers of the Diado, a lot of violence is generated because of 5000 stabitors were only hired only 10% (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


330) Haitian girl

Series: «Afro-American», Tempera and pencil on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2001 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.

Haitian girl...

Series: «Afro-American», Tempera and pencil on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2001...

$ 4000 USD...

The children in Haiti look clean and happy when they go to school, despite poverty and the lack of running water throughout the country (Port-au-Prince, Haiti).


331) Pori and Bernardo

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 140 cm (47.24 × 55.12 in), 2015 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.

Pori and Bernardo...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 140 cm (47.24 × 55.12 in), 2015...

$ 18000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


332) Cristina

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 80 × 50 cm (31.50 × 19.69 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 80 × 50 cm (31.50 × 19.69 in), 2016...

$ 15000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


333) Francisca

Series: «Afro-American», Oil on canvas, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 2002 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.


Series: «Afro-American», Oil on canvas, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 2002...

$ 15000 USD...

Francisca was a Haitian Santera, who manages to make the struggle of slaves possible with his promises that he who dies in the fight to end slavery his spirit is reborn in his land of origin, the dream of the slaves of America (Port-au-Prince, Haiti).


334) Eleven and its tragedy

Series: «Workers», Acrylic and pastel on paper, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 2012 | link | link $

$ 10,000 USD.

Eleven and its tragedy...

Series: «Workers», Acrylic and pastel on paper, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 2012...

$ 10000 USD...

I was watching television in the waiting room of the Miami mechanical workshop, waiting for me to fix my car, when I suddenly see the live train accident, and the salvage of their victims, was a dantesque show, I could not believe what that I saw from so far and without the possibility of helping at all (Miami, USA).


335) Ema

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 90 × 60 cm (35.43 × 23.62 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 90 × 60 cm (35.43 × 23.62 in), 2016...

$ 15000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


336) Violet rebozo

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on amate paper, 150 × 150 cm (59.06 × 59.06 in), 2010 | link

Violet rebozo...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on amate paper, 150 × 150 cm (59.06 × 59.06 in), 2010...

Private collection (Mar del Plata, Argentina).


337) White horse

Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 6,000 USD.

White horse...

Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2016...

$ 6000 USD...

Portrait of a white horse (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


338) Fixed

Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2017 | link | link $

$ 3,000 USD.


Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2017...

$ 3000 USD...

Portrait of the winning horse at the racecourse (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


339) Mishi

Series: «Pets and animals», Oil on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 1995 | link | link $

$ 3,000 USD.


Series: «Pets and animals», Oil on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 1995...

$ 3000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


340) Moreno

Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2017 | link | link $

$ 3,000 USD.


Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2017...

$ 3000 USD...

Portrait of a horse called Moreno (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


341) In the racecourse

Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2019 | link | link $

$ 2,000 USD.

In the racecourse...

Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2019...

$ 2000 USD...

Part of a sketch for possible mural in Hippodrome, 2023 (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


342) The hermitage

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas paper, 200 × 100 cm (78.74 × 39.37 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.

The hermitage...

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas paper, 200 × 100 cm (78.74 × 39.37 in), 2004...

$ 18000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


343) Violet turnt

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 250 × 150 cm (98.43 × 59.06 in), 2022 | link | link $

$ 20,000 USD.

Violet turnt...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 250 × 150 cm (98.43 × 59.06 in), 2022...

$ 20000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


344) Emma

Series: «Portraits», Graphite on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Graphite on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2020...

$ 8000 USD...

Portrait of Emma my daughter-in-law (Stockholm, Sweden).


345) Juan Carlos

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.

Juan Carlos...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2020...

$ 8000 USD...

Private collection (Puebla, Mexico).


346) Marcelino

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 60 cm (23.62 × 23.62 in), 2022 | link | link $

$ 6,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 60 cm (23.62 × 23.62 in), 2022...

$ 6000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


347) The Baby of the Corte Family

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 2005 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.

The Baby of the Corte Family...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 2005...

$ 8000 USD...

Private Collection (Colombia).


348) Chi Chi and their babies

Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on canvas, 15 × 10 cm (5.91 × 3.94 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.

Chi Chi and their babies...

Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on canvas, 15 × 10 cm (5.91 × 3.94 in), 2016...

$ 8000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


349) The children of the Imprenetrable

Series: «Children», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 350 cm (78.74 × 137.80 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 30,000 USD.

The children of the Imprenetrable...

Series: «Children», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 350 cm (78.74 × 137.80 in), 2024...

$ 30000 USD...

They are the children living in their communities in the reservation of the Impenetrable (Chaco, Argentina).


350) Renata

Series: «Portraits», Oil on canvas, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1995 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Oil on canvas, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1995...

$ 8000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


351) A father

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 90 cm (39.37 × 35.43 in), 2005 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.

A father...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 90 cm (39.37 × 35.43 in), 2005...

$ 8000 USD...

Private Collection (Colombia).


352) Inge

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 80 × 60 cm (31.50 × 23.62 in), 2009 | link


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 80 × 60 cm (31.50 × 23.62 in), 2009...

Portrait of a gallery owner (Tønsberg, Norway).


353) Mireya

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2012 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2012...

$ 8000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


354) Cynthia

Series: «Portraits», Oil on canvas, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 2005 | link | link $

$ 5,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Oil on canvas, 40 × 60 cm (15.75 × 23.62 in), 2005...

$ 5000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


355) The grandmother

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 140 × 80 cm (55.12 × 31.50 in), 2012 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.

The grandmother...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 140 × 80 cm (55.12 × 31.50 in), 2012...

$ 8000 USD...

Portrait of the Ximena breast (Tampa, USA).


356) Natalia

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2014 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2014...

$ 8000 USD...

Private collection (Palmas de Mallorca, Spain).


357) Kitiu

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 100 cm (47.24 × 39.37 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 100 cm (47.24 × 39.37 in), 2010...

$ 8000 USD...

Private collection (Tucumán, Argentina).


358) Frida Khalo

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 160 cm (78.74 × 62.99 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 25,000 USD.

Frida Khalo...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 160 cm (78.74 × 62.99 in), 2010...

$ 25000 USD...

Private collection (Cancun, Mexico).


359) José

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 100 cm (78.74 × 39.37 in), 2014 | link | link $

$ 118,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 100 cm (78.74 × 39.37 in), 2014...

$ 118000 USD...

Private collection, (Miami, USA).


360) José Molina

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 100 cm (78.74 × 39.37 in), 2009 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.

José Molina...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 100 cm (78.74 × 39.37 in), 2009...

$ 18000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


361) Grace

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on cardboard, 150 × 110 cm (59.06 × 43.31 in), 1998 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on cardboard, 150 × 110 cm (59.06 × 43.31 in), 1998...

$ 18000 USD...

Private Ray Beach Collection (Florida, USA).


362) Gua Gua

Series: «Andean», Oil on canvas, 120 × 120 cm (47.24 × 47.24 in), 1992 | link | link $

$ 20,000 USD.

Gua Gua...

Series: «Andean», Oil on canvas, 120 × 120 cm (47.24 × 47.24 in), 1992...

$ 20000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


363) Wichie

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on amate paper, 200 × 120 cm (78.74 × 47.24 in), 2015 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.


Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on amate paper, 200 × 120 cm (78.74 × 47.24 in), 2015...

$ 18000 USD...

Grandma Wichie, at the meeting of Originarios de Resistencia, 2014 (Chaco, Argentina).


364) Pax

Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on cardboard, 40 × 50 cm (15.75 × 19.69 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 7,000 USD.


Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on cardboard, 40 × 50 cm (15.75 × 19.69 in), 2020...

$ 7000 USD...

When the Covid was, I painted this work fully possessed by a force that I could not understand. I did the world, I made a circle of protection, I put three circles inside in green (I didnʼt know why), and I made radiance with yellow rays. Then, I discovered that it was the symbol of chorocratic knowledge, which reveals to us the government system of time that creates our stocks. This was moderately known by the Maya (ethnicity of Mesoamerica that I investigated thoroughly), and for a minority of wise Druids Celts. The latter treasured the knowledge secretly until now by caution before the Romans and those who then ruled the world (as their minds were, if they had known this knowledge they would have destroyed life). In 2020 it was put into operation, the social and educational network of chorocratic knowledge, was created by the last of his guardians and is very possibly the root body of creation. He decided to give knowledge to humanity at that time, when I painted this work. Perfect synchrony, and much more when I met him and understood that we are all a only being, from which we believe there is, stored in it, as if we force the sleeping world of the earth.


365) Patzcuareña

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 5,000 USD.


Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2000...

$ 5000 USD...

Rebozos seller in Pátzcuaro (Mexico).


366) Pot

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 100 cm (47.24 × 39.37 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.


Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 100 cm (47.24 × 39.37 in), 2000...

$ 12000 USD...

Private collection (Sacramento, California, USA).


367) Fisherman

Series: «Sami», Acrylic on paper, 20 × 15 cm (7.87 × 5.91 in), 2003 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.


Series: «Sami», Acrylic on paper, 20 × 15 cm (7.87 × 5.91 in), 2003...

$ 4000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


368) Jazz man

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 1996 | link | link $

$ 6,000 USD.

Jazz man...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 1996...

$ 6000 USD...

New Orleans Jazz singer (Louisiana, USA).


369) Red headdress

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 250 × 150 cm (98.43 × 59.06 in), 2022 | link | link $

$ 20,000 USD.

Red headdress...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 250 × 150 cm (98.43 × 59.06 in), 2022...

$ 20000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


370) Juana

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 80 × 60 cm (31.50 × 23.62 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 9,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 80 × 60 cm (31.50 × 23.62 in), 2020...

$ 9000 USD...

Private collection (Puebla, Mexico).


371) Red Aguila

Series: «American Natives», Oil on canvas, 200 × 200 cm (78.74 × 78.74 in), 1999 | link | link $

$ 25,000 USD.

Red Aguila...

Series: «American Natives», Oil on canvas, 200 × 200 cm (78.74 × 78.74 in), 1999...

$ 25000 USD...

Private collection (Atlanta, USA).


372) Ancestral

Series: «Sami», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 50 cm (23.62 × 19.69 in), 2003 | link | link $

$ 6,000 USD.


Series: «Sami», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 50 cm (23.62 × 19.69 in), 2003...

$ 6000 USD...

We traveled north of Scandinavia first through Sweden, then going down the Fjords of the Coast of Norway, we were looking to meet Sami communities, but in that month of June we perceived only their spirit, since they lowering their cattle (reinde) of the mountain , where winter passes to eat the moss that grows under the snow, to the valley, where the summer months pass, only their traces, such as tranqueras, fires, typis, and some objects that identified them, take advantage of, take advantage of to document those lands magically impregnated with the spirit of its population, 2003 (Sweden/Norway).


373) Click and his interrupted paradise

Series: «Holocaust», Acrylic on canvas, 140 × 200 cm (55.12 × 78.74 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 45,000 USD.

Click and his interrupted paradise...

Series: «Holocaust», Acrylic on canvas, 140 × 200 cm (55.12 × 78.74 in), 2024...

$ 45000 USD...

The order of Colonel Villegas was to capture him alive, a chief of his characteristics was a valuable trophy for the military career. Source, Bonatti and Valdez, an infamous war.


374) Pow wow

Series: «American Natives», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 30 cm (23.62 × 11.81 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.

Pow wow...

Series: «American Natives», Acrylic on cardboard, 60 × 30 cm (23.62 × 11.81 in), 2004...

$ 4000 USD...

The native girl participating in the Pow Wow in South Dakota, we went with my godchildren and two of her little children, who at that time were residing in Nebraska, a neighboring state, we visited South Dakota and we find this feast of the native natives of That region, singing, dancing and honoring its culture, "Pow-Wow" siphgnoses spiritual leader, and, like most of the original festivities, it impresses to see how they are transformed with their traditional spectacular clothing spectacularly luxurious of Golden times, almost everything made with their artisan hands, and then, the end of the party, when they return to their daily garments, again to the simplicity of the poverty of their present time, 2005 (South Dakota).


375) Lithium (Sketch)

Series: «Andean», Pencil on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 3,000 USD.

Lithium (Sketch)...

Series: «Andean», Pencil on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 2024...

$ 3000 USD...

Sketch showing the struggle of the Purmamarque people against the dispossession of our natural resources by foreign countries, in the lands of the Quebrada de Humahuaca (Jujuy, Argentina).


376) Stowing

Series: «Workers», Tempera on paper, 70 × 70 cm (27.56 × 27.56 in), 1996 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.


Series: «Workers», Tempera on paper, 70 × 70 cm (27.56 × 27.56 in), 1996...

$ 15000 USD...

Private Collection, Miami (Florida, USA).


377) Maritoʼs family

Series: «Portraits», Oil on canvas, 120 × 140 cm (47.24 × 55.12 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.

Maritoʼs family...

Series: «Portraits», Oil on canvas, 120 × 140 cm (47.24 × 55.12 in), 2016...

$ 18000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


378) The Cholo and the Trini

Series: «Andean», Tempera on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1984 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.

The Cholo and the Trini...

Series: «Andean», Tempera on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1984...

$ 15000 USD...

In 1983, with a cultural group, we did an activity at the San Martín Theater called "Culture of Resistance" in protest against the military dictatorship that was ending that year. All the artists, established, public, anonymous, self-taught, professionals, from all disciplines of art and culture in Argentina, joined. One of the activities was a recital with famous singers and musicians, presenting artists from different regions of our country. La Trini and el Cholo, a couple of farmers from the Northwest of Argentina, were introduced by Aimé Paime, singing their coplas on stage. Both were staying at my studio-house on Uruguay Street 60 (Buenos Aires), so I had the opportunity to talk with them about their living and working conditions as farmers and copleros from La Quebrada. Falling in love with that peasant culture, previously unknown to me, was what made me decide to take up that theme to develop my artistic production in the future.


379) Expedite

Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on paper, 40 × 50 cm (15.75 × 19.69 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 5,000 USD.


Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on paper, 40 × 50 cm (15.75 × 19.69 in), 2004...

$ 5000 USD...

Saint Expeditus was a commander of the Roman legions, who served the Emperor Diocletian (3rd and 4th century). He had the revelation that he should be a Christian, something that at that time was punishable by death, although the devil appeared to him in the form of a raven and said to him: "Cras, cras, cras", which in Latin means "tomorrow". The saint crushed the animal while answering: "Hodie, hodie, hodie", that is, "today". Because he did not postpone his conversion, he is considered the patron of urgent causes. He was executed by the Romans on April 19, 303.


380) Pincen (sketch)

Series: «Holocaust», Pencil on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 2024 | link | link $

$ 3,000 USD.

Pincen (sketch)...

Series: «Holocaust», Pencil on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 2024...

$ 3000 USD...

One of the most wanted Indians by the government of Buenos Aires, he did not submit to the command of the great chieftains. He was referred to as the brave, the wild man, and his capture in 1878 marked a milestone in the fight against the "Indian". "The bold, reckless, brave and stubborn Indian, chieftain Pincen, has just fallen into the hands of Colonel Conrado Villegas" published the newspaper "El Nacional". Source: Antonio Pozzo, 1878 (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


381) A tragedy (sketch)

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on paper, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 2012 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.

A tragedy (sketch)...

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on paper, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 2012...

$ 4000 USD...

The tragedy of Once on February 22, 2012, left a balance of 52 dead, and 789 injured. A train of the Sarmiento line, full of passengers, mostly workers and students, violently collided with the platform of the Once station, due to negligence of the employees and lack of maintenance (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


382) The shaman

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2012 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.

The shaman...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 50 × 50 cm (19.69 × 19.69 in), 2012...

$ 8000 USD...

Shaman, assistant and personal driver of Gaston, the owner of the hotel-museum "Casa Turquesa". I was invited to paint there. The driver picked me up at the airport, and, knowing that he was the shaman of his town, I asked him about the famous end of the world that had been announced for months... "No, Miss, this end of the world is a Western idea, itʼs about the end of an era, technology is falling apart, there is a lot of abuse, we are moving to a fifth dimension, communications are going to be telepathic, humanity is going to suffer the process of transformation...", year 2012 (Cancun, Mexico).


383) I am a man

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on amate paper, 200 × 120 cm (78.74 × 47.24 in), 2018 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.

I am a man...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on amate paper, 200 × 120 cm (78.74 × 47.24 in), 2018...

$ 15000 USD...

Work done to be exhibited in the tribute to Martin Luther King on its 50th anniversary: "50 years of immortality", in DPL Art Gallery, 2019 (Detroit, USA).


384) Bandoleon

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 1996 | link | link $

$ 10,000 USD.


Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on paper, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 1996...

$ 10000 USD...

Private collection (Rio Negro, Argentina).


385) The Paraguayans (Sketch)

Series: «Marches», Acrylic on cardboard, 30 × 40 cm (11.81 × 15.75 in), 2006 | link | link $

$ 3,000 USD.

The Paraguayans (Sketch)...

Series: «Marches», Acrylic on cardboard, 30 × 40 cm (11.81 × 15.75 in), 2006...

$ 3000 USD...

I was invited to document the mass march of Paraguayan peasants in 2005, demanding their rights (Iguazú, Paraguay).


386) Portrait of a lady

Series: «Portraits», Graphite on paper, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 1996 | link | link $

$ 10,000 USD.

Portrait of a lady...

Series: «Portraits», Graphite on paper, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 1996...

$ 10000 USD...

Private collection (Madrid, Spain).


387) The Cholo Vilte

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on cardboard, 80 × 60 cm (31.50 × 23.62 in), 1989 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.

The Cholo Vilte...

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on cardboard, 80 × 60 cm (31.50 × 23.62 in), 1989...

$ 15000 USD...

Private collection (Jujuy, Argentina).


388) Red Cross

Series: «Our heroes», Acrylic on cardboard, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.

Red Cross...

Series: «Our heroes», Acrylic on cardboard, 40 × 30 cm (15.75 × 11.81 in), 2020...

$ 4000 USD...

Red Cross nurse in Pandemia, 2020 (Puebla, Mexico).


389) The three Marys

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 150 cm (78.74 × 59.06 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 25,000 USD.

The three Marys...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 150 cm (78.74 × 59.06 in), 2010...

$ 25000 USD...

Collection of the hotel-museum "Casa Turquesa" (Cancun, Mexico).


390) Ana c

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1995 | link | link $

$ 13,000 USD.

Ana c...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1995...

$ 13000 USD...

Self-portrait of 1995 (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


391) Betiʼs son

Series: «Farmers», Charcoal on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.

Betiʼs son...

Series: «Farmers», Charcoal on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2016...

$ 4000 USD...

Corresponding to the series of charcoal drawings made in 2016 (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


392) Mayan boy

Series: «Maya living culture», Charcoal on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 3,000 USD.

Mayan boy...

Series: «Maya living culture», Charcoal on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2016...

$ 3000 USD...

Charcoal series (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


393) Nativity

Series: «Workers», Oil on canvas, 120 × 120 cm (47.24 × 47.24 in), 1991 | link | link $

$ 13,000 USD.


Series: «Workers», Oil on canvas, 120 × 120 cm (47.24 × 47.24 in), 1991...

$ 13000 USD...

Port worker, waiting to be hired so he can celebrate Christmas with his family (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


394) Nurse

Series: «Our heroes», Charcoal on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 3,000 USD.


Series: «Our heroes», Charcoal on paper, 30 × 20 cm (11.81 × 7.87 in), 2016...

$ 3000 USD...

From the series of charcoals (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


395) Doctors in action

Series: «Our heroes», Acrylic on cardboard, 40 × 50 cm (15.75 × 19.69 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.

Doctors in action...

Series: «Our heroes», Acrylic on cardboard, 40 × 50 cm (15.75 × 19.69 in), 2020...

$ 4000 USD...

Tribute to the day of the doctors (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


396) Mom

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2021 | link | link $

$ 7,000 USD.


Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2021...

$ 7000 USD...

Private collection (Detroit, USA).


397) Carla

Series: «Portraits», Graphite on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Graphite on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2016...

$ 8000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


398) Alberto Maroto

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 2015 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.

Alberto Maroto...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 2015...

$ 15000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


399) Mardi Grass

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 180 × 190 cm (70.87 × 74.80 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 25,000 USD.

Mardi Grass...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 180 × 190 cm (70.87 × 74.80 in), 2000...

$ 25000 USD...

DPL Collection, Detroit Public Library (Detroit, USA).


400) Pedro (Sketch)

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas paper, 20 × 15 cm (7.87 × 5.91 in), 2008 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.

Pedro (Sketch)...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas paper, 20 × 15 cm (7.87 × 5.91 in), 2008...

$ 4000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


401) Pepe

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas paper, 20 × 15 cm (7.87 × 5.91 in), 2008 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas paper, 20 × 15 cm (7.87 × 5.91 in), 2008...

$ 4000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


402) Pepe

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas paper, 20 × 15 cm (7.87 × 5.91 in), 2008 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas paper, 20 × 15 cm (7.87 × 5.91 in), 2008...

$ 4000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


403) Carina

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas paper, 20 × 15 cm (7.87 × 5.91 in), 2008 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas paper, 20 × 15 cm (7.87 × 5.91 in), 2008...

$ 4000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


404) Cari

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas paper, 20 × 15 cm (7.87 × 5.91 in), 2008 | link | link $

$ 4,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas paper, 20 × 15 cm (7.87 × 5.91 in), 2008...

$ 4000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


405) You see them

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 120 cm (39.37 × 47.24 in), 2003 | link | link $

$ 20,000 USD.

You see them...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 120 cm (39.37 × 47.24 in), 2003...

$ 20000 USD...

Sketch of the final work, private collection (Miami, USA).


406) Omar

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2017 | link


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2017...

Omarʼs portrait of the Lebanese club in Buenos Aires (Argentina).


407) A romance

Series: «Portraits», Pastel on paper, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 2001 | link | link $

$ 5,000 USD.

A romance...

Series: «Portraits», Pastel on paper, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 2001...

$ 5000 USD...

Portrait made by order, then they separated and the portrait was with me so that they do not cut it, so angry that they were (Miami, USA).


408) Corte family

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas paper, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 1999 | link | link $

$ 20,000 USD.

Corte family...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas paper, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 1999...

$ 20000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


409) Luisa (Sketch)

Series: «Portraits», Charcoal on paper, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 2011 | link | link $

$ 3,000 USD.

Luisa (Sketch)...

Series: «Portraits», Charcoal on paper, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 2011...

$ 3000 USD...

Sketch from the portrait of Luisa Calcumil (Rio Negro, Argentina).


410) Three sisters

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 70 cm (19.69 × 27.56 in), 2007 | link | link $

$ 5,000 USD.

Three sisters...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 70 cm (19.69 × 27.56 in), 2007...

$ 5000 USD...

Portrait of three sisters (Miami, USA).


411) Eduardo

Series: «Portraits», Oil on cardboard, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 1995 | link | link $

$ 10,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Oil on cardboard, 70 × 100 cm (27.56 × 39.37 in), 1995...

$ 10000 USD...

Eduardo, Mercedes and their children (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


412) Gretel (Sketch)

Series: «Portraits», Pencil on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 1994 | link | link $

$ 3,000 USD.

Gretel (Sketch)...

Series: «Portraits», Pencil on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 1994...

$ 3000 USD...

Sketch of a portrait made of a client from Germany (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


413) Martyrsʼ woman (sketch)

Series: «Farmers», Charcoal on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2005 | link | link $

$ 3,000 USD.

Martyrsʼ woman (sketch)...

Series: «Farmers», Charcoal on paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2005...

$ 3000 USD...

It is a sketch of Mártires Lopeʼs wife and one of her sons in Pampa del Indio. They had a large number of children. This child was the youngest and always in his motherʼs arms. They looked sad and indifferent. She didnʼt speak, she only looked through her children. When I went to say goodbye, she asked me, "Are you leaving?" Yes (I answered, she looked at me desperately)... "Canʼt you get me a stroller?" (Chaco, Argentina).


414) The peasants (sketches)

Series: «Farmers», Pencil on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1994 | link | link $

$ 2,000 USD.

The peasants (sketches)...

Series: «Farmers», Pencil on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1994...

$ 2000 USD...

Sketching in a site lifted (Northwest, Argentina).


415) 500 years of impunity (sketch)

Series: «Our heroes», Pencil on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1955 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.

500 years of impunity (sketch)...

Series: «Our heroes», Pencil on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1955...

$ 8000 USD...

Sketch for the mural work presented at the CCR (Recoleta Cultural Center) call for proposals on the 500th anniversary of the conquest of 1492 (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


416) The girl with her cat

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 80 cm (47.24 × 31.50 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.

The girl with her cat...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 80 cm (47.24 × 31.50 in), 2004...

$ 15000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


417) Natural Mural Meals

Series: «Landscapes», Acrylic on wall, 300 × 1000 cm (118.11 × 393.70 in), 2007 | link | link $

$ 40,000 USD.

Natural Mural Meals...

Series: «Landscapes», Acrylic on wall, 300 × 1000 cm (118.11 × 393.70 in), 2007...

$ 40000 USD...

Private collection (Sacramento, California, USA).


418) Beltran

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 1980 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 70 × 50 cm (27.56 × 19.69 in), 1980...

$ 18000 USD...

Private collection (Jerez de la Frontera, Spain).


419) Pyramides

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 120 cm (39.37 × 47.24 in), 2009 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.


Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 120 cm (39.37 × 47.24 in), 2009...

$ 12000 USD...

Portrait of an Elder from the Mayan Community Silvia Terán, president of the Tun Ben Kin Foundation, introduced me to the community of embroiderers in the city of Merida, 1999 (Yucatan, Mexico).


420) Resting

Series: «Workers», Oil on canvas, 200 × 200 cm (78.74 × 78.74 in), 1991 | link | link $

$ 30,000 USD.


Series: «Workers», Oil on canvas, 200 × 200 cm (78.74 × 78.74 in), 1991...

$ 30000 USD...

"Anita, you paint and I give my opinion, never paint us sitting down, we have been given a reputation for being lazy, so always paint us working"... From my research on the living and working conditions of the stevedores in the port of Buenos Aires, 1985/91 (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


421) Families of stowage

Series: «Workers», Oil on canvas, 120 × 150 cm (47.24 × 59.06 in), 1986 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.

Families of stowage...

Series: «Workers», Oil on canvas, 120 × 150 cm (47.24 × 59.06 in), 1986...

$ 18000 USD...

They lived in shantytowns... thatʼs why the man of the house, a dock worker, worked all week without returning home unless they were hired, they were ashamed to return without the money from their work... (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


422) Chicharrónʼs family

Series: «Workers», Oil on canvas, 120 × 120 cm (47.24 × 47.24 in), 1988 | link | link $

$ 6,000 USD.

Chicharrónʼs family...

Series: «Workers», Oil on canvas, 120 × 120 cm (47.24 × 47.24 in), 1988...

$ 6000 USD...

They welcomed us with a barbecue, I knew what that cost them, they lived in a shantytown like almost all the families of stevedores: - "Anita, I want to get out of here" - Chicharrón tells me, thatʼs what we inspired in him with our presence, the hope of being able to resolve his conditions, he died years later from an enlarged heart due to the poor working conditions, in 1989, in Puerto Madero (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


423) Guitar playing in the north

Series: «Farmers», Tempera on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1986 | link | link $

$ 11,000 USD.

Guitar playing in the north...

Series: «Farmers», Tempera on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1986...

$ 11000 USD...

Kitiu, guitarist of the ravine celebrating the match with their guitars, 1986 (Purmamarca, Jujuy, Argentina).


424) Mapuche family

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1990 | link | link $

$ 9,000 USD.

Mapuche family...

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1990...

$ 9000 USD...

Mapuche Black Mapuche, year 1999 (Rio Negro, Argentina).


425) The pot for the pot

Series: «Andean», Tempera on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1986 | link | link $

$ 10,000 USD.

The pot for the pot...

Series: «Andean», Tempera on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1986...

$ 10000 USD...

At the Purmamarca copleros meeting, organized by the Vilte family, everyone had their task when it came to cooking and eating (Jujuy, Argentina).


426) Maya (Long Play)

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 120 cm (39.37 × 47.24 in), 2022 | link | link $

$ 11,000 USD.

Maya (Long Play)...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 120 cm (39.37 × 47.24 in), 2022...

$ 11000 USD...

Participating with a long-playing record, artistically intervened (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


427) Cosmos (Long Play)

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 120 cm (39.37 × 47.24 in), 2022 | link | link $

$ 8,500 USD.

Cosmos (Long Play)...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 120 cm (39.37 × 47.24 in), 2022...

$ 8500 USD...

Long Play intervened in the middle of the Cosmos, for the Collective Show of "Long Play intervened" (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


428) Mayan young

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 9,000 USD.

Mayan young...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2000...

$ 9000 USD...

Work that was exhibited in the exhibition "Maya Living Culture" that I did in 2000 at the invitation of the archaeological museum of Cancun (Quintana Roo, Mexico).


429) Three friends

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 9,500 USD.

Three friends...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2000...

$ 9500 USD...

Work exhibited at the exhibition "Maya Cultura viva" (Campeche city, Mexico).


430) Ancestor

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 9,000 USD.


Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2000...

$ 9000 USD...

Mayan farmer (Yucatan, Mexico).


431) Blue rebozo

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.

Blue rebozo...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2000...

$ 8000 USD...

Woman with her head wrapped in her rebozo (multi-purpose), a garment she always carries with her, 2000 (Yucatan, Mexico).


432) The red shawl

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 9,000 USD.

The red shawl...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2000...

$ 9000 USD...

Woman surrounded by reliefs of her Mayan culture, work exhibited in the exhibition "Maya Living Culture", in the archaeological museum of Cancun (Quintana Roo, Mexico).


433) Mayan child (sketch)

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 3,500 USD.

Mayan child (sketch)...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2000...

$ 3500 USD...

Sketching child for the Cancun sample of the year 2000 (Quintana Roo, Mexico).


434) Silk rebozo

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.

Silk rebozo...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2000...

$ 15000 USD...

Mayan woman from the Mayan community of embroidery of Mérida in Yucatán, Mexico. Cancun (Mexico).


435) Red Huipil

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 8,500 USD.

Red Huipil...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2000...

$ 8500 USD...

Huipil is the typical dress of Mayan cultures, with its hand -embroidered necklines and ring, of different reasons and colors according to the region to which they belong (Quintana Roo, Mexico).


436) Coleting on stage

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1988 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.

Coleting on stage...

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1988...

$ 12000 USD...

Three shepherds of the ravine, singing their couplets at the Purmamarca Copleros Meeting (Jujuy, Argentina).


437) Abundance

Series: «Afro-American», Pastel on canvas, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 2010 | link | link $

$ 11,000 USD.


Series: «Afro-American», Pastel on canvas, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 2010...

$ 11000 USD...

The Haitian people carry their products on their heads from children, they look sleeve and elegant slender (Puerto Principe, Haiti).


438) Black Man

Series: «Afro-American», Oil on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 1996 | link | link $

$ 13,000 USD.

Black Man...

Series: «Afro-American», Oil on cardboard, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 1996...

$ 13000 USD...

African man of the Mississipi Valley telling stories of slavery (Mississipi, USA).


439) Brother Qom

Series: «Farmers», Oil on canvas with synthetic resin frame, 200 × 200 cm (78.74 × 78.74 in), 2012 | link | link $

$ 24,000 USD.

Brother Qom...

Series: «Farmers», Oil on canvas with synthetic resin frame, 200 × 200 cm (78.74 × 78.74 in), 2012...

$ 24000 USD...

In December 2004, the Qom community of Pampa del Indio (Chaco, Argentina) visits for a week, they live in cotton planting. This cacique brother farmer told me that they do not plant soybeans to preserve the land of the waterproofing process that suffers from these crops.


440) Maimara

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas paper, 200 × 100 cm (78.74 × 39.37 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 16,000 USD.


Series: «Andean», Acrylic on canvas paper, 200 × 100 cm (78.74 × 39.37 in), 2004...

$ 16000 USD...

Child with their hermitages and posters showing their region of belonging, participating in the Easter holidays in Tilcara, in the Quebrada de Humahuaca (Jujuy, Argentina).


441) Ball game

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 1998 | link | link $

$ 13,000 USD.

Ball game...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 1998...

$ 13000 USD...

Circular work. Man of the Mayan Community of embroidery, the wonderful embroidery were their source of income although the State did not consider them at the ex officio level (Merida, Mexico).


442) Guatita

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on amate paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2003 | link | link $

$ 9,500 USD.


Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on amate paper, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2003...

$ 9500 USD...

Girl from the Mayan community of Guatemala, I was impressed by the expression so suffered from so small (Guatemala).


443) The turban

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 45 × 35 cm (17.72 × 13.78 in), 2001 | link | link $

$ 9,500 USD.

The turban...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 45 × 35 cm (17.72 × 13.78 in), 2001...

$ 9500 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


444) Pampa del Indio

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 300 cm (78.74 × 118.11 in), 2015 | link | link $

$ 28,000 USD.

Pampa del Indio...

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on canvas, 200 × 300 cm (78.74 × 118.11 in), 2015...

$ 28000 USD...

Private collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


445) The balance

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas with synthetic resin frame, 200 × 200 cm (78.74 × 78.74 in), 2006 | link | link $

$ 27,000 USD.

The balance...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas with synthetic resin frame, 200 × 200 cm (78.74 × 78.74 in), 2006...

$ 27000 USD...

Balance Museum Collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


446) Nordic landscape

Series: «Sami», Acrylic on cardboard, 20 × 40 cm (7.87 × 15.75 in), 2003 | link | link $

$ 8,500 USD.

Nordic landscape...

Series: «Sami», Acrylic on cardboard, 20 × 40 cm (7.87 × 15.75 in), 2003...

$ 8500 USD...

From my trip through northern Scandinavia at Casa Rodante (Sweden/Norway).


447) Huipil woman

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on amate paper, 120 × 120 cm (47.24 × 47.24 in), 2006 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.

Huipil woman...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on amate paper, 120 × 120 cm (47.24 × 47.24 in), 2006...

$ 15000 USD...

Private collection (Los Angeles, California).


448) Peasant hand

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 40 cm (19.69 × 15.75 in), 1996 | link | link $

$ 8,500 USD.

Peasant hand...

Series: «Workers», Acrylic on canvas, 50 × 40 cm (19.69 × 15.75 in), 1996...

$ 8500 USD...

Private Collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina)


449) All a little

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 300 cm (59.06 × 118.11 in), 2007 | link | link $

$ 25,000 USD.

All a little...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 300 cm (59.06 × 118.11 in), 2007...

$ 25000 USD...

Private collection (California, USA).


450) In the stained glass

Series: «Nature», Acrylic on cardboard, 180 × 120 cm (70.87 × 47.24 in), 1980 | link | link $

$ 11,000 USD.

In the stained glass...

Series: «Nature», Acrylic on cardboard, 180 × 120 cm (70.87 × 47.24 in), 1980...

$ 11000 USD...

In those difficult years my work was only natures. But this series showed mannequil -free mannequins, referring to my companions of the Pueyrredón that I saw no more alive (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


451) Sunday

Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on paper, 20 × 30 cm (7.87 × 11.81 in), 2025 | link | link $

$ 7,000 USD.


Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on paper, 20 × 30 cm (7.87 × 11.81 in), 2025...

$ 7000 USD...

Private Collection (Cordoba, Argentina)


452) Tati

Series: «Women and men of impact», Graphite on paper, 15 × 20 cm (5.91 × 7.87 in), 2025 | link | link $

$ 3,000 USD.


Series: «Women and men of impact», Graphite on paper, 15 × 20 cm (5.91 × 7.87 in), 2025...

$ 3000 USD...

Private Collection (Cordoba, Argentina)


453) Pigeon

Series: «Women and men of impact», Oil on canvas, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 1989 | link | link $

$ 11,000 USD.


Series: «Women and men of impact», Oil on canvas, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 1989...

$ 11000 USD...

Public Collection of the Pichon Riviere School of Social Psychology (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


454) Bandoleon

Series: «Hands of the earth», Acrylic on cardboard, 90 × 160 cm (35.43 × 62.99 in), 2006 | link | link $

$ 13,000 USD.


Series: «Hands of the earth», Acrylic on cardboard, 90 × 160 cm (35.43 × 62.99 in), 2006...

$ 13000 USD...

Private collection (San Diego, CA, USA).


455) The Lady

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 80 cm (47.24 × 31.50 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 13,000 USD.

The Lady...

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 80 cm (47.24 × 31.50 in), 2000...

$ 13000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


456) The Mexican

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 80 cm (47.24 × 31.50 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 14,000 USD.

The Mexican...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 80 cm (47.24 × 31.50 in), 2000...

$ 14000 USD...

Private collection (Cancun, Mexico).


457) The pet

Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on canvas with synthetic resin frame, 100 × 120 cm (39.37 × 47.24 in), 2004 | link | link $

$ 15,000 USD.

The pet...

Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on canvas with synthetic resin frame, 100 × 120 cm (39.37 × 47.24 in), 2004...

$ 15000 USD...

Private collection (Miami, USA).


458) Lebanese boy

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 2023 | link | link $

$ 17,000 USD.

Lebanese boy...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 2023...

$ 17000 USD...

It is a work that was done for a sample in the Lebanese club (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


459) Embroidering

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 80 cm (23.62 × 31.50 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 11,000 USD.


Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 80 cm (23.62 × 31.50 in), 2020...

$ 11000 USD...

The hands of a woman from the embroidery community of the city of Merida (Yucatan, Mexico).


460) The Snake

Series: «Chinese Horoscope», Acrylic on paper, 100 × 80 cm (39.37 × 31.50 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 7,500 USD.

The Snake...

Series: «Chinese Horoscope», Acrylic on paper, 100 × 80 cm (39.37 × 31.50 in), 2016...

$ 7500 USD...

Illustrating the Chinese horoscope of Ludovica Squirru in the year of the rat.


461) The Rabbit

Series: «Chinese Horoscope», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 80 cm (47.24 × 31.50 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 8,000 USD.

The Rabbit...

Series: «Chinese Horoscope», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 80 cm (47.24 × 31.50 in), 2016...

$ 8000 USD...

Illustrating the Chinese horoscope of Ludovica Squirru in the year of the rat.


462) The Pig

Series: «Chinese Horoscope», Oil on cardboard, 100 × 80 cm (39.37 × 31.50 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 7,000 USD.

The Pig...

Series: «Chinese Horoscope», Oil on cardboard, 100 × 80 cm (39.37 × 31.50 in), 2016...

$ 7000 USD...

Illustrating the Chinese horoscope of Ludovica Squirru in the year of the rat.


463) The Goat

Series: «Chinese Horoscope», Acrylic on paper, 100 × 80 cm (39.37 × 31.50 in), 2016 | link | link $

$ 7,500 USD.

The Goat...

Series: «Chinese Horoscope», Acrylic on paper, 100 × 80 cm (39.37 × 31.50 in), 2016...

$ 7500 USD...

Illustrating the Chinese horoscope of Ludovica Squirru in the year of the rat.


464) The baby

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2019 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.

The baby...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2019...

$ 12000 USD...

Private Quilmes collection (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


465) MONET

Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 1999 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.


Series: «Pets and animals», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 1999...

$ 12000 USD...

Private Collection (Miami, USA).


466) Marie

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 2006 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 150 × 100 cm (59.06 × 39.37 in), 2006...

$ 18000 USD...

Private Collection (California, USA).


467) Ale and Jordi

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 90 × 120 cm (35.43 × 47.24 in), 2002 | link | link $

$ 22,000 USD.

Ale and Jordi...

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 90 × 120 cm (35.43 × 47.24 in), 2002...

$ 22000 USD...

Private Collection (Miami, USA).


468) Mario

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 90 cm (47.24 × 35.43 in), 2003 | link | link $

$ 18,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 120 × 90 cm (47.24 × 35.43 in), 2003...

$ 18000 USD...

Private Collection (California, USA).


469) Lauri

Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2008 | link | link $

$ 12,000 USD.


Series: «Portraits», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 40 cm (23.62 × 15.75 in), 2008...

$ 12000 USD...

Private Collection (Miami, USA).


470) Qom girl

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on canvas glued to wood, 50 × 40 cm (19.69 × 15.75 in), 2006 | link | link $

$ 11,000 USD.

Qom girl...

Series: «Farmers», Acrylic on canvas glued to wood, 50 × 40 cm (19.69 × 15.75 in), 2006...

$ 11000 USD...

She is a girl from the Qom community of Pampa del Indio, which I documented in 2004/05 (Chaco, Argentina).


471) Haitian child

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 45 cm (23.62 × 17.72 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 13,000 USD.

Haitian child...

Series: «Afro-American», Acrylic on canvas, 60 × 45 cm (23.62 × 17.72 in), 2000...

$ 13000 USD...

In 1998/9, I documented some images of the Haitian diaspora, and there was this Haitian boy (Miami, USA).


472) A Child from Yucatán

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 85 × 85 cm (33.46 × 33.46 in), 2000 | link | link $

$ 16,000 USD.

A Child from Yucatán...

Series: «Maya living culture», Acrylic on cardboard, 85 × 85 cm (33.46 × 33.46 in), 2000...

$ 16000 USD...

Work presented at the Cancún Archaeological Museum in 2000 (Cancún, Mexico).

Missing are those that were sold and whose owners prefer not to share them, and others that were not documented (because they were never photographed, they were lost, etc.).