Ana Candioti Ana Candioti

Ana Candioti


231) Cochabamba

Series: «Andean», Oil on canvas, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 1994 | link | link $


Series: «Andean», Oil on canvas, 100 × 100 cm (39.37 × 39.37 in), 1994...

I traveled to Bolivia in January and February 1994. I was based in Cochabamba, but I visited Potosí and its mines, La Quiaca, La Paz. I spent one day at the meeting of coca growers in Chapare (Santa Cruz de la Sierra), where obviously I was not allowed to take photos, and then I left through Salta, and made my return trip to Buenos Aires by bus. Those faces and images of the Bolivian population, accumulated in my heart, did not stop presenting me with their most basic needs and feelings, and faced with the impossibility of satisfying them, in my helplessness I could only express them through the sea of ​​tears that I let flow from me.

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