Ana Candioti Ana Candioti

Ana Candioti


378) The Cholo and the Trini

Series: «Andean», Tempera on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1984 | link | link $

The Cholo and the Trini...

Series: «Andean», Tempera on paper, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 1984...

In 1983, with a cultural group, we did an activity at the San Martín Theater called "Culture of Resistance" in protest against the military dictatorship that was ending that year. All the artists, established, public, anonymous, self-taught, professionals, from all disciplines of art and culture in Argentina, joined. One of the activities was a recital with famous singers and musicians, presenting artists from different regions of our country. La Trini and el Cholo, a couple of farmers from the Northwest of Argentina, were introduced by Aimé Paime, singing their coplas on stage. Both were staying at my studio-house on Uruguay Street 60 (Buenos Aires), so I had the opportunity to talk with them about their living and working conditions as farmers and copleros from La Quebrada. Falling in love with that peasant culture, previously unknown to me, was what made me decide to take up that theme to develop my artistic production in the future.

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