Ana Candioti Ana Candioti

Ana Candioti


364) Pax

Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on cardboard, 40 × 50 cm (15.75 × 19.69 in), 2020 | link | link $

$ 7,000 USD.


Series: «Sacred art», Acrylic on cardboard, 40 × 50 cm (15.75 × 19.69 in), 2020...

$ 7000 USD...

When the Covid was, I painted this work fully possessed by a force that I could not understand. I did the world, I made a circle of protection, I put three circles inside in green (I didnʼt know why), and I made radiance with yellow rays. Then, I discovered that it was the symbol of chorocratic knowledge, which reveals to us the government system of time that creates our stocks. This was moderately known by the Maya (ethnicity of Mesoamerica that I investigated thoroughly), and for a minority of wise Druids Celts. The latter treasured the knowledge secretly until now by caution before the Romans and those who then ruled the world (as their minds were, if they had known this knowledge they would have destroyed life). In 2020 it was put into operation, the social and educational network of chorocratic knowledge, was created by the last of his guardians and is very possibly the root body of creation. He decided to give knowledge to humanity at that time, when I painted this work. Perfect synchrony, and much more when I met him and understood that we are all a only being, from which we believe there is, stored in it, as if we force the sleeping world of the earth.

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