Ana Candioti Ana Candioti

Ana Candioti


156) The Trini

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2008 | link | link $

The Trini...

Series: «Women and men of impact», Acrylic on canvas, 100 × 70 cm (39.37 × 27.56 in), 2008...

I photographed Trini, a peasant from Tunalito (Jujuy, Argentina), after we became friends when she was invited by Josefina Racedo to sing her coplas with her husband Cholo, at the 1983 Resistance meeting held at the San Martín Theater. Aimé Painé introduced her as "natural music from the Quebrada de Humahuaca."

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