Ana Candioti Ana Candioti

Ana Candioti


210) Camila, the priest and the poet

Series: «Our heroes», Graphite on paper, 70 × 60 cm (27.56 × 23.62 in), 2021 | link | link $

Camila, the priest and the poet...

Series: «Our heroes», Graphite on paper, 70 × 60 cm (27.56 × 23.62 in), 2021...

Garcia Lorca and the shootings... in the early morning of August 18, 1936 in the Víznar ravine, Granada, Spain, the poet was murdered by Francoʼs authorities along with three other prisoners. He was accused of being a Russian spy and spreading Marxism. His body was not recovered and is believed to be buried in a mass grave. The reasons were many for that time and much more so in Spain. Lorcaʼs freedom was constantly colliding. Rafael was her lover and considered one of the inspirers of the Sonnets of Dark Love. His family lived in rivalry with the other two great clans of the Vega de Granada, fighting for the political and economic preponderance of the region. And his left-handed political tendency ended up generating hatred from those who murdered him.

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