Ana Candioti Ana Candioti

Ana Candioti


4) Maternities (triptych)

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on amate paper, 200 × 360 cm (78.74 × 141.73 in), 2022 | link | link $

Maternities (triptych)...

Series: «Andean», Acrylic on amate paper, 200 × 360 cm (78.74 × 141.73 in), 2022...

It is moving to see the peasant mothers or mothers from Andean regions, with their children on their backs, supported by the aguayos, their bodies close to the motherʼs, who are always selling or harvesting with their children on their backs, with great tenderness. "We are mothers" means that they are mothers not only of their children, but of all children, they refer to the maternal feeling that gives them the ability to protect all the children of humanity, they are bearers of culture and family harmony, they are not corrupted because they are aware that they have to protect the earth and its resources for the future of their children, the children of humanity.

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